(4)成绩信息的修改:(按成绩修改,把55~59分之间的成绩都加上5分)-Student achievement management system
Student performance information includes: Student ID, name, C language achievement. Elective courses try to design a system so that it can provide the following functions:
System work the way the menu (using the keyboard a number between 1 to 4 to select the function)
(1) The performance information input function (performance information used to save the file)
(2) The results of information browsing
(3) check function: Search by Student ID or merit-based segment query (at least one query mode)
(4) The performance information on the changes: (based on merit revised to between 55 ~ 59 minutes the results were coupled with 5 points)
(4)成绩信息的修改:(按成绩修改,把55~59分之间的成绩都加上5分)-Student achievement management system
Student performance information includes: Student ID, name, C language achievement. Elective courses try to design a system so that it can provide the following functions:
System work the way the menu (using the keyboard a number between 1 to 4 to select the function)
(1) The performance information input function (performance information used to save the file)
(2) The results of information browsing
(3) check function: Search by Student ID or merit-based segment query (at least one query mode)
(4) The performance information on the changes: (based on merit revised to between 55 ~ 59 minutes the results were coupled with 5 points)