The book is meant for the intermediate shell coder up to the advanced shell-code hacker,
because I don’t explain many basic programming structures. If you’re looking for that
type of book, you should look to the resources mentioned in Appendix C.-The book is meant for the intermediate shell coder up to the advanced shell-code hacker,
because I don’t explain many basic programming structures. If you’re looking for that
type of book, you should look to the resources mentioned in Appendix C.
This is not to say that the beginner won’t find this book useful it may work well as a supplementary
reference to a more traditional shell-scr ipting training guide. But there is a difference
between learning English as a second language and learning how to apply sarcasm. This book
is like sarcasm in that example it assumes some basic shell-code literacy.
I go into great detail about how and why the scr ipts were written in their present form,
and I include some explanation of how to avoid certain problems. Much of my learning
came from sources heavy in obfuscation and light on clarity, so I tried to be as explicit as
possible, and favored explaining too much rather than too little. You can think of many
chapters I included as shell
The book is meant for the intermediate shell coder up to the advanced shell-code hacker,
because I don’t explain many basic programming structures. If you’re looking for that
type of book, you should look to the resources mentioned in Appendix C.-The book is meant for the intermediate shell coder up to the advanced shell-code hacker,
because I don’t explain many basic programming structures. If you’re looking for that
type of book, you should look to the resources mentioned in Appendix C.
This is not to say that the beginner won’t find this book useful it may work well as a supplementary
reference to a more traditional shell-scr ipting training guide. But there is a difference
between learning English as a second language and learning how to apply sarcasm. This book
is like sarcasm in that example it assumes some basic shell-code literacy.
I go into great detail about how and why the scr ipts were written in their present form,
and I include some explanation of how to avoid certain problems. Much of my learning
came from sources heavy in obfuscation and light on clarity, so I tried to be as explicit as
possible, and favored explaining too much rather than too little. You can think of many
chapters I included as shell