利用gdi+进行对界面的美化,主要是对各种控件,例如树形控件,和list控件等。-At some point in the last month, I needed to create an .ICO file on the fly with a couple of images inside preferably I was looking at code in C#. The .NET fr a mework 2.0 only supports HICON that basically is one Icon with just a single image in it. When I was searching out there, to my frustration, I did not find any Icon Editor with the source code. The only thing I found was closed commercial products charging from $19 to $39 for them and not exposing APIs at all. So the only solution was to create my own library capable of creating and parsing ICO files.
I believe in open-source code and I thought that I could help the developer community by sharing this knowledge. In addition, open-source pushes companies and commercial products to go farther.
After the work was done, I read about ICL files (Icon Libraries). These can contain many Icons inside a file and I decided to support that too. The same happened with EXE/DLLs and last but not the least I decided to support Windows Vi
I believe in open-source code and I thought that I could help the developer community by sharing this knowledge. In addition, open-source pushes companies and commercial products to go farther.
After the work was done, I read about ICL files (Icon Libraries). These can contain many Icons inside a file and I decided to support that too. The same happened with EXE/DLLs and last but not the least I decided to support Windows Vi