本设计是基于51单片机的小型cpu及六位显示。该系统由4*4矩阵输入器、cpu部分以及由6位LED显示管组成得显示器。输入器由16个按键开关组成;cpu部分由51单片机、晶振片以及电容等组成;显示器由一个6位的7段译码管及电阻构成。Cpu可以通过调用事前输入的程序对是否有键被按下进行扫描和确认并根据程序进行代码的调用与存储,并通过LED6位显示器进行输出。该显示具有存储功能,可以将输出的数字保存一段时间以供人眼阅读。-The single-chip design is based on 51 small cpu and six shows. The system consists of 4* 4 matrix input device, cpu, as well as by the six LED display tube comprising a display. Input is controlled by the composition of 16 key switches cpu by 51 single-chip, crystal chip, as well as components such as capacitors display by a 7 paragraph 6 of the tube and resistor constitute decoding. Cpu can enter by calling the procedures beforehand whether the scan button is pressed and the recognition of and in accordance with the procedure code calls and storage, and digital display for output LED6. The display has a memory feature that the output of digitalpreservation for some time for the human eye to read.
16位键盘 CPU 6LED显示.doc