On Designatedly Veried (Non-interactive)Watermarking Schemes-Although many watermarking schemes consider the case of
universal veri¯ ability, it is undesirable in some applications. Designated
veri¯ cation is a possible solution for this problem. Watermarking scheme
with (non-interactive) designated veri¯ cation through non-invertible
schemes was proposed by Lee et al [11] in 2003, to resolve multiple wa-
termarking problem. Yoo et al [14] proposed a very similar watermarking
scheme. In this paper, we propose a cryptanalytic attack on both of these
schemes that allows a dishonest watermarker to send illegal watermarked
images and to convince the designated veri¯ er or customer that received
watermarked images are valid.We modify the above schemes to overcome
the attack. Further, we also propose a new robust watermarking scheme
with (non-interactive) designated veri¯ cation through non-invertible wa-
termarks. Interestingly, our scheme can be extended for joint copyright
protection (security of ownership rights fo
universal veri¯ ability, it is undesirable in some applications. Designated
veri¯ cation is a possible solution for this problem. Watermarking scheme
with (non-interactive) designated veri¯ cation through non-invertible
schemes was proposed by Lee et al [11] in 2003, to resolve multiple wa-
termarking problem. Yoo et al [14] proposed a very similar watermarking
scheme. In this paper, we propose a cryptanalytic attack on both of these
schemes that allows a dishonest watermarker to send illegal watermarked
images and to convince the designated veri¯ er or customer that received
watermarked images are valid.We modify the above schemes to overcome
the attack. Further, we also propose a new robust watermarking scheme
with (non-interactive) designated veri¯ cation through non-invertible wa-
termarks. Interestingly, our scheme can be extended for joint copyright
protection (security of ownership rights fo
相关搜索: attack
On Designatedly Verified (Non-interactive) Watermarking Schemes.pdf