回顾一个多世纪以来电力工业和电力系统的发展,深感由于经济发展和技术进步带来的巨大变化。上世纪的80~90年代,是电力系统的初创时期。据记载,1882年在美国纽约建成了世界第一个完整的电力系统。这是一个由发电机、电缆和负载组成的直流电力系统。然而由于直流输电系统的局限性,人们转而研究交流输电技术,并在上一个世纪之交,确立了交流输电系统进一步发展和应用的基本取向,从而带来了本世纪交流高电压输电和电力系统的大发展。从本世纪初到60年代末,最高交流输电电压从12.44千伏和60千伏提高到735千伏和765千伏。在此期间,电力系统规模也迅速扩大,电网互联程度不断加强。在交流输电和电力系统大发展的同时,从50年代开始,又发展了高压直流输电技术,奠定了当今高压交/直流电力系统的基础。 今天,又是一个世纪之交。面对经济全球化趋势和科技迅猛发展的形势,有100多年历史的“古老”电力系统,在其发展的进程中,又将面临一系列新的挑战。
-recalled more than a century since the power industry and the development of electric power system, deeply as economic development and technical progress brought about by the tremendous changes. On the 80-century 1990s, the power system is the initial stage. According to the records, in 1882 in New York, the United States built the world's first complete power system. This is a generator, cables and load consisting of DC power systems. However, as the DC transmission system limitations, it was switched to AC transmission technology, and in a turn of the century, established the AC transmission system to further the development and application of the basic orientation, hence the exchange of this century, the high voltage electricity transmission system and the large-scale development. F
-recalled more than a century since the power industry and the development of electric power system, deeply as economic development and technical progress brought about by the tremendous changes. On the 80-century 1990s, the power system is the initial stage. According to the records, in 1882 in New York, the United States built the world's first complete power system. This is a generator, cables and load consisting of DC power systems. However, as the DC transmission system limitations, it was switched to AC transmission technology, and in a turn of the century, established the AC transmission system to further the development and application of the basic orientation, hence the exchange of this century, the high voltage electricity transmission system and the large-scale development. F
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