通过表格1中数字1、2,3、4,5、6,……,分析数据分布,没有明显规律可寻,于是索性将矩阵的若干列作局部调整,形成如表格2中的矩阵,发现后一半的数据只需65减去已填写的数字即可,索性去除,先分析前一半数据。结合调整后16阶魔方数字分布,发现一些规律-Form 1 through the number of 1,2,3,4,5,6, ... ..., analysis of data distribution, there is no clear law to be found, then simply the matrix as the number of partial adjustment, such as Form 2 in the formation of the matrix and found that only half of the data after subtracting the 65 figures can be filled out, simply remove the first half of the data before analysis. Combined with adjusted figures for the distribution of 16-order magic square, found a number of laws