设停车场内只有一个可停放n辆汽车的狭长通道,且只有一个大门可供汽车出进。汽车在停车场内按车辆到达的时间先后顺序,依次由北向南排列-There is only one car park located inside the vehicles can be parked n the long and narrow channels, there is only one door and out into the open to motor. Car in the parking lot with the arrival of the vehicles by the time the order in order from north to south (the southern tip of the door in the first car to reach the first car parked in the most northern end), if the car had been parked inside vehicles over n, then later only in the car waiting outside the pavement, once a car drive away, then in the sidewalk on the first car to be opened when parking vehicles within a certain time to leave, after he entered the vehicles must be from the yard to make way for it,