本程序是一个用于管理学生成绩例子.通过利用MFC的DAO类,用VC++编写独立与DBMS的应用程序-this is a procedure for the management of the performance of their students examples. Through the use of the MFC DAO category, prepared by VC independence and DBMS applications
压缩包 : 89346508list_grade.rar 列表 CreateDialog.cpp CreateDialog.h db6.mdb Del.cpp Del.h DeleObject.cpp DeleObject.h DisDialog.cpp DisDialog.h EditDialog.cpp EditDialog.h lhwy.mdb lhwy1.mdb LinkButton.cpp LinkButton.h List.ncb List.plg List.cpp List.dsp List.dsw List.h List.opt List.rc ListDlg.cpp ListDlg.h ReadMe.txt Resource.h Seer.cpp Seer.h StdAfx.cpp StdAfx.h res\114.BMP res\115.BMP res\124.BMP res\128.BMP res\129.BMP res\ACER.ICO res\Book.ico res\FIRE.ICO res\List.ico res\List.rc2 res\bitmap1.bmp res\bitmap4.bmp res\btnClose.bmp res\close.bmp res\cursor1.cur res\cursor2.cur res\radio.bmp res\擥_有.bmp res Add.cpp Add.h AddObject.cpp AddObject.h arrow.cur BitmapMenu.cpp BitmapMenu.h