- 所属分类:
- 微处理器(ARM/PowerPC等)
- 资源属性:
- [PDF]
- 上传时间:
- 2012-11-26
- 文件大小:
- 317kb
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- 提 供 者:
- 朱**
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C 语言嵌入式系统编程*之一:背景篇
C 语言--一种"高级的低级"语言,则成为嵌入式系统开发的最佳选择。笔者在嵌入式系
统项目的开发过程中,一次又一次感受到C 语言的精妙,沉-C language programming of embedded systems, one practice: background papers
Unlike most forms of software programming, embedded system programming based on a specific hardware platform, it is bound to require
Its programming language with a strong capacity to operate the hardware directly. There is no doubt that this kind of assembly language with the characteristics. However, in the final
In assembly language because of the complexity of the development process, it is not the development of embedded systems in general to choose. Compared with
C language- a kind of "junior high" language, the development of embedded systems has become the best choice. The author in the embedded line
EC project development process, time and again to feel the exquisite language C, immersed in C language for embedded development with
For convenience.
C 语言--一种"高级的低级"语言,则成为嵌入式系统开发的最佳选择。笔者在嵌入式系
统项目的开发过程中,一次又一次感受到C 语言的精妙,沉-C language programming of embedded systems, one practice: background papers
Unlike most forms of software programming, embedded system programming based on a specific hardware platform, it is bound to require
Its programming language with a strong capacity to operate the hardware directly. There is no doubt that this kind of assembly language with the characteristics. However, in the final
In assembly language because of the complexity of the development process, it is not the development of embedded systems in general to choose. Compared with
C language- a kind of "junior high" language, the development of embedded systems has become the best choice. The author in the embedded line
EC project development process, time and again to feel the exquisite language C, immersed in C language for embedded development with
For convenience.
arm c.pdf