系统整体架构采用面向对象的方法,集抽象性、封装性、继承性和多态性于一体,以基础类库设计为起点,结合继续教育综合办公这一具体领域的业务逻辑,通过多次详尽的业务调查和需求分析,提炼出软件数据模型和功能结构,最终实现应用。设计过程中力求各个子系统的模块化和抽象封装,在一定程度上提高了软件的复用度和可扩充性,并有效地控制了软件的复杂性,也给以后的维护带来方便。-Overall system architecture using object-oriented approach, set abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism in one to basic library design as a starting point, combined with continuing education in specific areas of the General Office of the business logic, through the many meeting and investigate detailed business needs analysis, to extract the data model and functionality of the software structure, and finally realize the application. Strive to design the various subsystems and abstract modular package, to a certain extent improve the software on the rehabilitation expense and scalability, and effectively control the complexity of the software, but also to safeguard the future convenience.