简单地讲,可以在原声音流中叠加延迟一段时间后的声流,实现回声效果。当然通过复杂运算,可以计算各种效应的混响效果。如此产生的回声,我们称之为数字回声。初始化配置: 05 户通过 12C 总线将配置命令发送到 AIC23 ,配置完成后 AIC23 开始工作。语音信号的输入: AIC23 通过其中的 AO 转换采集输入的语音信号,每采集完一个信号后,将数据发送到 05 户的 McBS 户接口上, 05 户可以读取到语音数据,每个数据为 16 位无符号整数,左右通道各有一个数值。语音信号的输出: 05 户可以将语音数据通过 McBS 户接口发送给 AIC23 , AIC23 的 OA 器件将他们变成模拟信号输出。-Speech Signal Acquisition and Analysis
Simply put, you can stream at the original voices superimposed delayed for some time after the acoustic streaming, achieve echo effects. Of course, through complex calculations, can calculate a variety of reverb effects. Echo so produced, we call the digital echo. Initialization, configuration: 05 through 12C bus to configure the command sent to the AIC23, configured to work after the completion of AIC23. Speech Signal input: AIC23 through one of the AO Acquisition conversion of voice input signal, a signal after each acquisition, the data is sent to the 05 interface on McBS households, 05 can be read into the voice data, each data is 16 bit unsigned integer, a value about each channel. Voice signal output: 05 may be voice data sent through the interface McBS families give AIC23, AIC23 of OA devices into their analog signal output.
简单地讲,可以在原声音流中叠加延迟一段时间后的声流,实现回声效果。当然通过复杂运算,可以计算各种效应的混响效果。如此产生的回声,我们称之为数字回声。初始化配置: 05 户通过 12C 总线将配置命令发送到 AIC23 ,配置完成后 AIC23 开始工作。语音信号的输入: AIC23 通过其中的 AO 转换采集输入的语音信号,每采集完一个信号后,将数据发送到 05 户的 McBS 户接口上, 05 户可以读取到语音数据,每个数据为 16 位无符号整数,左右通道各有一个数值。语音信号的输出: 05 户可以将语音数据通过 McBS 户接口发送给 AIC23 , AIC23 的 OA 器件将他们变成模拟信号输出。-Speech Signal Acquisition and Analysis
Simply put, you can stream at the original voices superimposed delayed for some time after the acoustic streaming, achieve echo effects. Of course, through complex calculations, can calculate a variety of reverb effects. Echo so produced, we call the digital echo. Initialization, configuration: 05 through 12C bus to configure the command sent to the AIC23, configured to work after the completion of AIC23. Speech Signal input: AIC23 through one of the AO Acquisition conversion of voice input signal, a signal after each acquisition, the data is sent to the 05 interface on McBS households, 05 can be read into the voice data, each data is 16 bit unsigned integer, a value about each channel. Voice signal output: 05 may be voice data sent through the interface McBS families give AIC23, AIC23 of OA devices into their analog signal output.
3.5.1 Echo