- 所属分类:
- 企业管理(财务/ERP/EIP等)
- 资源属性:
- [Windows] [Visual.Net] [源码]
- 上传时间:
- 2012-11-26
- 文件大小:
- 283kb
- 下载次数:
- 0次
- 提 供 者:
- 张*
- 相关连接:
- 无
- 下载说明:
- 别用迅雷下载,失败请重下,重下不扣分!
由于本系统为一个公司销售管理系统,涉及到销售信息,商品信息和用户信息的管理,牵扯到一些公司的商业私隐,所以不能让人任意录入信息,扰乱公司管理,所以本系统应该具有一定的安全保障,防止用户乱输入交易信息,本系统采用设置一个登陆模块的方法实现系统的安全性。在登陆模块中,系统要求用户输入用户名和密码,输入正确,则系统允许用户登录,如果不正确,则系统不允许用户登录,用户登录后所提交的交易信息都包含了提交者的用户名,并且在用户登录时系统还要检验用户的使用权限,以确定为用户提供什么样有的功能服务-Because of the system as a sales management system, information related to sales, merchandise information and user information management, involving some of the company s commercial privacy, so information should not be any entry to disrupt company management, so the system should have a certain safeguards to prevent arbitrary user input transaction information, the system uses a module to set up a landing approach system security implementation. In the landing module, the system requires users to enter a user name and password, enter the correct, the system allows users to log in, if not correct, the system does not allow users to log in, users log in to submit after the transaction information includes the author s user name, and in the user log in the system should also test the user s permissions to determine what to provide users with some functionality Services