如果你可以编写出合格的代码,但是想更进一步、创作出组织良好而且易于理解的代码,并希望成为一名真正的编程专家或提高现有的职业技能,那么《编程匠艺——编写卓越的代码》都会为你给出答案。本书的内容遍及编程的各个要素,如代码风格、变量命名、错误处理和安全性等。此外,本书还对一些更广泛的编程问题进行了探讨,如有效的团队合作、开发过程和文档编写,-Many programmers know how to write correct code- code that works. But not all know how to craft great code- code that is well written and easy to understand. Code Craft teaches programmers how to move beyond writing correct code to writing great code. The book covers code writing concerns, including code presentation style, variable naming, error handling, and security and the wider issues of programming in the real world, such as good teamwork, development processes, and documentation. Code Craft presents language-agnostic advice that is relevant to all developers, from an author with loads of practical experience. A Q&A section at the end of each chapter helps readers to review the material and makes the book suited for academic use as well.