Phpcms 是国内领先的网站内容管理系统,同时也是一个开源的PHP开发框架。Phpcms由内容模型、会员、问吧、专题、财务、订单、广告、邮件订阅、 短消息、自
定义表单、全站搜索等20多个功能模块组成,内置新闻、图片、下载、信息、产品5大内容模型。Phpcms 采用模块化开发,支持自定义内容模型和会员模型,并且可以自定义字段。-Phpcms is the leading Web Content Management System is also a open source PHP development fr a mework. Phpcms by the content model, a member of your question, thematic, financial, order, advertising, e-mail subscribers, short message, custom forms, such as site-wide search for more than 20 feature modules, built-in news, photos, downloads, information , Product 5 content model. Phpcms modular development, support for custom content models and members of the model, and can customize the field.
定义表单、全站搜索等20多个功能模块组成,内置新闻、图片、下载、信息、产品5大内容模型。Phpcms 采用模块化开发,支持自定义内容模型和会员模型,并且可以自定义字段。-Phpcms is the leading Web Content Management System is also a open source PHP development fr a mework. Phpcms by the content model, a member of your question, thematic, financial, order, advertising, e-mail subscribers, short message, custom forms, such as site-wide search for more than 20 feature modules, built-in news, photos, downloads, information , Product 5 content model. Phpcms modular development, support for custom content models and members of the model, and can customize the field.