- 所属分类:
- SQL Server数据库
- 资源属性:
- [Windows] [Visual C] [Basic/ASP] [源码]
- 上传时间:
- 2012-11-26
- 文件大小:
- 21kb
- 下载次数:
- 0次
- 提 供 者:
- liangs******
- 相关连接:
- 无
- 下载说明:
- 别用迅雷下载,失败请重下,重下不扣分!
我是一名学生,最近一直在学生用ASP+SQL SERVER的数据库制作一个网站的会员登陆系统...我用的网页编辑工作是DW8,可以网上搜了好久都没有找到相关的教程...本人是十分想学习怎么制作一个这样的登陆系统...我要求就是..在自己制作的网站首页中.有一个会员登陆的界面.然后可以注册,登陆即可...望各位大虾顶立相助.最好是能够制作一个视频教程给我看看...谢谢了....我现在有105积分..如果大家能够帮我.我满意后.我愿意全部捐出来..
-I am a student, has been in the students ASP+ SQL SERVER database to produce a site Member landing system ... I used to edit the page is DW8, can be found online for a long time did not find the relevant tutorial ... I very much want to learn how the production of such a landing system that is .. ... I have asked to produce their own Web sites in the home page. there is a Member landing interface. You can then register, visit ... hope you can prawns Top legislation to help. it is better to make a video tutorial for me to see ... Thank you .... I now have 105 points .. If you can help me. I am satisfied with. I am willing to donate all .. ASP source code, the realization of Member landing management, primarily to help people learn to use!
-I am a student, has been in the students ASP+ SQL SERVER database to produce a site Member landing system ... I used to edit the page is DW8, can be found online for a long time did not find the relevant tutorial ... I very much want to learn how the production of such a landing system that is .. ... I have asked to produce their own Web sites in the home page. there is a Member landing interface. You can then register, visit ... hope you can prawns Top legislation to help. it is better to make a video tutorial for me to see ... Thank you .... I now have 105 points .. If you can help me. I am satisfied with. I am willing to donate all .. ASP source code, the realization of Member landing management, primarily to help people learn to use!
相关搜索: 会员登陆