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本点名系统有教师端、学生端以及管理员二个入口,学生端只能通过学生自己的用户名和密码登陆点名系统查询自己的个人信息和查看自己的成绩记录。教师端能通过教师的用户名和密码进入点名系统。教师可以根据点名的方式产生学生名单,点名并记录相应的成绩,教师可以修改学生的成绩,也可以修改学生的信息,比如添加、删除学生及其记录等。管理员可以通过自己的用户名和密码登陆点名系统进入点名系统后台管理中,可以查询学生信息,并且打印学生名单。-Name system

Descr iption of the problem

The project, called "naming system", mainly used in teaching the use of schools. Teachers can query the system through the attendance of students, name and record performance. Enable teachers to their students each and every student in statistics at the end of the normal results. The system easy to operate, with the advantages of intelligent.

Named Teacher of the client system, students and administrators of two-side entrance, the students only through the end of student s own user name and password login name system query their personal information and view their own records. Teachers through the teachers client user name and password to enter the system name. Teachers can be generated according to the students named in the list, by name and record the corresponding results, teachers can modify the scores of pupils, students can also modify the information, such as add, delete, such as students and their records. Administrators can, through


rollcall system天伟-终版

........................\rollcall system终版-张天伟 张一川 吴泓润.doc

........................\吴泓润 正向工程







........................\....\教师点名 时序图.bmp


........................\....\添加学生信息 时序图.bmp

........................\....\管理员查询信息 时序图.bmp


........................\点名系统 吕晓朋 芦程莉 王亚伟 张明阳.doc


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源码中国 www.ymcn.org