可以实现登录 退出 聊天 群聊 等功能
-Hesuiban agreement qq2008 console client, while supporting linux and win32 versions. The first error I amended to ensure that the adoption of MinGW platform compiler. under linux I did not try ~ ~ compiled to be set pthread library (package already) the most simple way is to. a library directly into MinGW s lib directory. h files to include directory can log out of chat features such as group chat
可以实现登录 退出 聊天 群聊 等功能
-Hesuiban agreement qq2008 console client, while supporting linux and win32 versions. The first error I amended to ensure that the adoption of MinGW platform compiler. under linux I did not try ~ ~ compiled to be set pthread library (package already) the most simple way is to. a library directly into MinGW s lib directory. h files to include directory can log out of chat features such as group chat