此为一用VHDL编写的硬件游戏程序,在16*16的点阵上实现了打飞机游戏,可以打飞机,也可以把飞机躲过去。挺有意思的。-this as a preparation using VHDL hardware Games, 16 * 16 in the lattice achieving an aircraft game, it could have aircraft and the aircraft can escape to. Quite interesting.
压缩包 : 71477225plane_game.rar 列表 main.vhd main1.vhd main2.vhd saomiao.vhd wan_andgate.vhd wan_dff.vhd wan_m16.vhd wan_m32.vhd wan_m8.vhd wan_orgate.vhd wan_xiaoshi.vhd dff.vhd nandgate.vhd notgate.vhd buffe.vhd wan_mux.vhd m4.vhd m16add_jian.vhd m4add_jian.vhd wancheckmux.vhd danxiangm16.vhd addm4.vhd main2.vhd temp.gdf temp1.gdf temp2.gdf wan_addscore.gdf wan_check.gdf wan_info.gdf wan_level_check.gdf wan_rom.gdf wan_saomiaochuli.gdf xiaoshi.gdf infomation.gdf xdtb2.gdf wan_all.gdf wan_rom2.gdf mainmain.gdf zhuyaode.gdf check.gdf b_xd.gdf m16jicunqi.gdf level_check_rom.gdf m16jicunqi.gdf level_check.mif wan.mif