-the software is below the VC 6.0 compiler and debugger successful. The software uses SNMP programming, dynamic routing discovered a network of all-topology. This is our teacher requested one final examination, because of the time compared rush, only routers topology for a search, but not the main search topology.
-the software is below the VC 6.0 compiler and debugger successful. The software uses SNMP programming, dynamic routing discovered a network of all-topology. This is our teacher requested one final examination, because of the time compared rush, only routers topology for a search, but not the main search topology.
压缩包 : 11912914动态发现某个路由的所有子网的拓扑结构.rar 列表 源代码 源代码\ActiveHostDlg.cpp 源代码\ActiveHostDlg.h 源代码\icmp.dll 源代码\MessageDlg.cpp 源代码\MessageDlg.h 源代码\MyRoute.cpp 源代码\MyRoute.h 源代码\MySnmp.cpp 源代码\MySnmp.dsp 源代码\MySnmp.dsw 源代码\MySnmp.h 源代码\MySnmp.rc 源代码\MySnmpDlg.cpp 源代码\MySnmpDlg.h 源代码\MySubNet.cpp 源代码\MySubNet.h 源代码\ReadMe.txt 源代码\res 源代码\res\cursor1.cur 源代码\res\icon1.ico 源代码\res\icon2.ico 源代码\res\icon3.ico 源代码\res\MySnmp.ico 源代码\res\MySnmp.rc2 源代码\resource.h 源代码\ShowTuoPuDlg.cpp 源代码\ShowTuoPuDlg.h 源代码\StdAfx.cpp 源代码\StdAfx.h 源代码\TipDlg.cpp 源代码\TipDlg.h