修改中断描述符表(IDT)中的键盘入口实现按健记录,把读取到的键盘扫描码转换成 ascii 码记录下来。查找键盘入口采用了查询 IO APIC 的重定向寄存器的方法(通过把物理地址 0xFEC00000 映射为虚拟地址,然后读取键盘中断向量,最难得是没有 xpsp2 的限制了。不经典不发。-interrupt descr iptor revised table (IDT), the keyboard imported by Kin achieve record Reads to put the keyboard scan code into ascii codes recorded. You use the keyboard entrance inquiries IO APIC redirect the register (through the physical address 0xFEC 00000 map to the virtual address, and then read the keyboard interrupt vector, the most rare is the limit xpsp2. not classic non-fat.
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