在 n 行 n 列的国际象棋棋盘上,最多可布n个皇后。
n皇后问题是指找到这 n 个皇后的互不攻击的布局。
n 行 n 列的棋盘上,主次对角线各有2n-1条。-n n trip out of the international chess board, the maximum n Queen's cloth. If two at the same Queen's visit, the same series on the same diagonal, as they attack each other. N Queen's problem is found n the Queen not to attack each other's layout. N n trip out on the chessboard, and secondary diagonal each 2n-1.
n皇后问题是指找到这 n 个皇后的互不攻击的布局。
n 行 n 列的棋盘上,主次对角线各有2n-1条。-n n trip out of the international chess board, the maximum n Queen's cloth. If two at the same Queen's visit, the same series on the same diagonal, as they attack each other. N Queen's problem is found n the Queen not to attack each other's layout. N n trip out on the chessboard, and secondary diagonal each 2n-1.
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