文件名称:Learning Theory - An Approximation Theory Viewpoint
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This book aims to give a general overview of the theoretical foundations of
learning theory. It is not the rst to do so.Yet we wish to emphasize a viewpoint
that has drawn little attention in other expositions, namely, that of approximation
theory. This emphasis fullls two purposes. First, we believe it provides a
balanced view of the subject. Second, we expect to attract mathematicians
working on related elds who nd the problems raised in learning theory close
to their interests.
learning theory. It is not the rst to do so.Yet we wish to emphasize a viewpoint
that has drawn little attention in other expositions, namely, that of approximation
theory. This emphasis fullls two purposes. First, we believe it provides a
balanced view of the subject. Second, we expect to attract mathematicians
working on related elds who nd the problems raised in learning theory close
to their interests.
压缩包 : Learning Theory - An Approximation Theory Viewpoint .rar 列表 References .pdf 1 - The framework of learning .pdf 2 - Basic hypothesis spaces .pdf 3 - Estimating the sample error .pdf 4 - Polynomial decay of the approximation error .pdf 5 - Estimating covering numbers .pdf 6 - Logarithmic decay of the approximation error .pdf 7 - On the bias–variance problem .pdf 8 - Least squares regularization .pdf 9 - Support vector machines for classification 157 .pdf 10 - General regularized classifiers .pdf Foreword .pdf Preface.pdf notes.txt