世界名画陈列馆由m×n个陈列室组成。为了防止名画被盗,需在陈列室中设置警卫机器人哨位。每个警卫机器人除监视它所在的陈列室为,还可以监视与它所在陈列室相邻的上、下、左、右4个陈列室。试设计一个安排警卫机器人哨位的算法,使得名画陈列馆中每个陈列室都在警卫机器人监视之下,且所用的警卫机器人数最少.-world-famous paintings from the museum m n showroom component. In order to prevent the paintings stolen, the need to set up the showroom security robot sentry post. Each robot security guards in addition to monitoring it to the showroom, and also can monitor it in the showroom adjacent to the upper and lower, right and left four showroom. Design of a test security arrangements for the robot post algorithm makes each painting exhibition hall showroom in security surveillance robot, and used by the guards at least a few robots.
压缩包 : 89346492bowuguan.rar 列表 bowuguan.cpp