本讲稿(ORACLE8i 数据库基础)是作者在多年的工作和授课中的总结,主要包括两个部分,第一部分是ORACLE SQL*PLUS基础,主要讲述ORACLE 应用系统设计的基本知识和给出一些有用的实例;第二部分是介绍ORACLE PL/SQL知识,主要讲述ORACLE数据库PL/SQL程序设计所用到基本知识,这部分给出进行应用设计所必需的基础知识。这两部分的内容都尽可能做到内容简洁而全面。特点是,1.用简单明了的语句对解释各个部分的内容,省去一些理论性的解释;2.给出作者在应用设计和开发中的一些具体的例子,为软件人员提供一些借鉴,省去查阅大量资料的时间。3.给出了许多资料所没有提供的一些使用技巧,如导出触发器等。总之,内容基本上包括当前Oracle8I的最新内容。同时也覆盖了最新的ORACLE8i OCP培训大纲的内容。不仅包含ORACLE 程序设计人员、DBA所必须掌握的知识,而且还含盖了系统分析员所要求的内容。与本书(讲稿)相伴的还有《Oracle8i/9i初级数据库管理》和《Oracle8i/9i高级数据库管理》。-the scr ipt (based on Oracle 8i database) is the author of many years of work and teach the summary, mainly consists of two parts, the first part of the Oracle SQL * PLUS based mainly on Oracle Application System Design and the basic knowledge gives some useful examples; The second part is devoted to Oracle PL / SQL knowledge, mainly on Oracle Database PL / SQL procedures used by the design of basic knowledge, which is part of the design application for the necessary basic knowledge. These two parts of the content as possible, concise and comprehensive. Features, 1. Use simple words to explain the various parts of the content, eliminating some theoretical explanation; 2. The author is in the application design and development of a number of specific examples, provide some software reference
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