Electromagnetic Finite-Difference Time-Domain (EmFDTD)
is a basic two-dimensional FDTD code developed at the
School of Electrical Engineering, Sharif University of
This code has been written based on the standard
Yee s FDTD algorithm. Applications include propagation,
scattering, and diffraction of electromagnetic waves
in homogeneous and non-homogeneous isotropic media
for in-plane propagating waves. Negative permittivites
or permeabilities as well as dispersion is not included.
Zero, Periodic, and Perfectly Matched Layer boundary
conditions may be selectively applied to the solution
The program is best suited for study of propagation and
diffraction of electromagnetic waves in Photonic Crystal
EmFDTD is written in MATLAB language and has been
tested under MATLAB 5.0 and higher versions.
Electromagnetic Finite-Difference Time-Domain (EmFDTD)
is a basic two-dimensional FDTD code developed at the
School of Electrical Engineering, Sharif University of
This code has been written based on the standard
Yee s FDTD algorithm. Applications include propagation,
scattering, and diffraction of electromagnetic waves
in homogeneous and non-homogeneous isotropic media
for in-plane propagating waves. Negative permittivites
or permeabilities as well as dispersion is not included.
Zero, Periodic, and Perfectly Matched Layer boundary
conditions may be selectively applied to the solution
The program is best suited for study of propagation and
diffraction of electromagnetic waves in Photonic Crystal
EmFDTD is written in MATLAB language and has been
tested under MATLAB 5.0 and higher versions.
压缩包 : 99273906emfdtd-v1.2r1.rar 列表 EmFDTD-v1.2r1\PlotBands.m EmFDTD-v1.2r1\PlotBandStructure.m EmFDTD-v1.2r1\PlotSnapshot.m EmFDTD-v1.2r1\PlotStructure.m EmFDTD-v1.2r1\PutHole.m EmFDTD-v1.2r1\PutRectangle.m EmFDTD-v1.2r1\Row.m EmFDTD-v1.2r1\RunFDTD.m EmFDTD-v1.2r1\RunFFT.m EmFDTD-v1.2r1\SaveComponent.m EmFDTD-v1.2r1\SaveField.m EmFDTD-v1.2r1\ScanPath.m EmFDTD-v1.2r1\UserDefinedStructure.m EmFDTD-v1.2r1\UserDefinedVariables.m EmFDTD-v1.2r1\AddSource.m EmFDTD-v1.2r1\AdvanceETime.m EmFDTD-v1.2r1\AdvanceMTime.m EmFDTD-v1.2r1\BandStructure.m EmFDTD-v1.2r1\BlochDiff.m EmFDTD-v1.2r1\Column.m EmFDTD-v1.2r1\Constants.m EmFDTD-v1.2r1\EffectiveIndex.m EmFDTD-v1.2r1\emfdtd.m EmFDTD-v1.2r1\emplot.m EmFDTD-v1.2r1\GenerateSnapshot.m EmFDTD-v1.2r1\Go.m EmFDTD-v1.2r1\InitialField.m EmFDTD-v1.2r1\Initialize.m EmFDTD-v1.2r1\InitializePML.m EmFDTD-v1.2r1\InitializeSource.m EmFDTD-v1.2r1\Introduction.m EmFDTD-v1.2r1\IsEven.m EmFDTD-v1.2r1\LoadComponent.m EmFDTD-v1.2r1\LoadField.m EmFDTD-v1.2r1\MakeFileName.m EmFDTD-v1.2r1\MakeProfile.m EmFDTD-v1.2r1\MeasurePower.m EmFDTD-v1.2r1\PeakDetect.m EmFDTD-v1.2r1\ReadMe.txt EmFDTD-v1.2r1