一个mp3播放器You can use Hutch s INCLUDE and LIB files to assemble the program with the exception of the Windows.inc.
If you use the EWCalc.mak file you will have to change the pointers to the proper directories.
If you use the EWCalc.mak file you will have to change the pointers to the proper directories.
压缩包 : 37724116mp3-player.zip 列表 about.bmp ABOUT.RC aboutme.asm aboutme.def aboutme.dll ABOUTME.lib ABOUTME.RC Add.bmp Browse.bmp CLOCK.CUR Close.bmp Delete.bmp Down.bmp Exit.bmp File_ID.txt HANDLE.CUR List.bmp Misc150.ico Misc1500.ico mp3-v1.1.exe mp3.asm mp3.exe mp3.inc mp3.rc Pause.bmp Play.bmp readme.txt Repeat.bmp RESOURCE.H resource.k subproc/ subproc/bkcolor.asm subproc/bmpbutton.asm subproc/cursorset.asm subproc/dlgset.asm subproc/initdlg.asm subproc/list.asm subproc/localvar.asm subproc/play.asm subproc/registry.asm subproc/wm_command.asm subproc/wm_size.asm subproc/wm_syscommand.asm subproc/wm_timer.asm Up.bmp