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  • 2020-05-13
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SGP4由肯·克兰福德(Ken Cranford)于1970年开发。它是对之前的传播器的改进,目的是跟踪此时轨道上不断增长的卫星数量。它也用于近地卫星。
SDP8是适用于深空效果的SGP8传播器。此外,SGP8和SDP8更好地管理了轨道衰减(SGP is the first orbital propagator. It was developed by Hilton and kurman in 1966, thanks to a study by Kozai in 1959. It is made for satellites orbiting the earth, including those with an orbital period of less than 225 minutes. The model assumes low eccentricity and constant perigee height.
SDP4, developed by hujsak in 1979, is a SGP4 propagator for deep space objects. This includes satellites with orbital periods greater than 225 minutes. For a time period higher than this value, the orbit of the satellite will be interfered by the moon and the sun, as well as by some resonance effects in the 12 and 24-hour orbital periods.
Sgp8 is also used in near earth satellites, almost similar to SGP4 propagator, but the calculation method is different. However, it follows the same model for atmospheric and gravitational effects.
Sdp8 is a sgp8 propagator for deep space effects. In addition, sgp8 and sdp8 better manage orbital attenuation)
相关搜索: 轨道传播器



SGP8\actan.m 293 2020-05-12
SGP8\Convert_Sat_State.m 402 2020-05-12
SGP8\days2mdh.m 2347 2020-05-12
SGP8\ecef2tod.m 2640 2020-05-12
SGP8\eop19620101.txt 2226950 2020-05-12
SGP8\fmod2p.m 260 2020-05-12
SGP8\fundarg.m 7592 2020-05-12
SGP8\gstime.m 1544 2020-05-12
SGP8\iau80in.m 1271 2020-05-12
SGP8\IERS.m 2228 2020-05-12
SGP8\Mjday.m 1189 2020-05-12
SGP8\modulus.m 369 2020-05-12
SGP8\nut80.dat 4982 2020-05-12
SGP8\nutation.m 3984 2020-05-12
SGP8\polarm.m 2998 2020-05-12
SGP8\precess.m 8875 2020-05-12
SGP8\Revisiting Spacetrack Report #3_Rev 2.pdf 667568 2020-05-12
SGP8\SAT_Const.m 2286 2020-05-12
SGP8\sethelp.m 617 2020-05-12
SGP8\sgp8.m 10388 2020-05-12
SGP8\sidereal.m 3386 2020-05-12
SGP8\spacetrk.pdf 484938 2020-05-12
SGP8\teme2ecef.m 2817 2020-05-12
SGP8\teme2eci.m 2265 2020-05-12
SGP8\test_sgp8.m 4810 2020-05-12
SGP8\timediff.m 925 2020-05-12
SGP8\tle.txt 138 2020-05-12
license.txt 1468 2020-05-12


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