RowCounter 源码公开,你可以自由使用、修改及传播,如果你有什么改进,请给我发一份,我的EMail是:iamready@eastday.com。-RowCounter this time I was more as a fun tool to use. There is a version of a year and a half before the release? This time I updated the statistics line of code algorithm, ultrafast speed and increased directory scanning function, Kazakhstan, Great statistics for the convenience of Delphi to release the source code line number! RowCounter open source, you can freely use, modify and spread if you have any improvements, please give me a fat, I was in that extension : iamready@eastday.com.
RowCounter 源码公开,你可以自由使用、修改及传播,如果你有什么改进,请给我发一份,我的EMail是:iamready@eastday.com。-RowCounter this time I was more as a fun tool to use. There is a version of a year and a half before the release? This time I updated the statistics line of code algorithm, ultrafast speed and increased directory scanning function, Kazakhstan, Great statistics for the convenience of Delphi to release the source code line number! RowCounter open source, you can freely use, modify and spread if you have any improvements, please give me a fat, I was in that extension : iamready@eastday.com.
压缩包 : 41695071rowcount_v1.5.rar 列表 CalcDelphi.pas main.dfm Options.dfm Search.dfm RowCount.dpr About.pas CalcBcb.pas About.dfm Calculate.pas CalcVb.pas main.pas Options.pas Search.pas ShellFun.pas RowCount.res RowCount.exe RowCount.txt RowCount_v1.5.gif 2ccc.com.nfo