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  • 上传时间:
  • 2018-06-25
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  • 30kb
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  • 提 供 者:
  • cin****
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NYU Depth Dataset V2数据集的开发工具箱,包含计算图片各种特征的matlab文件.如:
camera_params.m - Contains the camera parameters for the Kinect used to capture the data.
crop_image.m – Crops an image to use only the area when the depth signal is projected.
fill_depth_colorization.m – Fills in the depth using Levin et al's Colorization method.(A toolbox to deal with toolbox_nyu_depth_v2 dataset.
can help you to calculate the features of the dataset.)


README 445 2012-05-31
apply_distortion.m 1823 2012-05-31
camera_params.m 1336 2012-06-13
compile.m 247 2012-07-11
crop_image.m 507 2013-10-18
demo_project_depth_map.m 917 2012-06-18
depth_plane2depth_world.m 697 2012-06-14
depth_rel2depth_abs.m 880 2012-07-05
depth_world2rgb_world.m 577 2012-05-31
get_accel_data.cpp 1439 2012-05-28
get_accel_data.m 334 2012-05-28
get_instance_masks.m 889 2012-05-28
get_projection_mask.m 387 2012-06-01
get_rgb_depth_overlay.m 988 2012-06-01
get_scene_type_from_scene.m 361 2012-05-28
get_timestamp_from_filename.m 761 2012-06-18
project_depth_map.m 2301 2012-07-13
rgb_plane2rgb_world.m 332 2012-06-14
rgb_world2rgb_plane.m 580 2012-05-31
undistort.m 2856 2012-05-31
demo_synched_projected_frames.m 1068 2012-06-29
get_synched_frames.m 3249 2012-06-29
fill_depth_colorization.m 2842 2012-07-04
cbf.cpp 16978 2012-07-11
cbf.h 774 2012-07-11
demo_fill_depth_cross_bf_test.m 597 2012-07-05
fill_depth_cross_bf.m 1846 2012-07-11
mex_cbf.cpp 3486 2012-07-10
cbf_windows.h 691 2012-07-11
cbf_windows.cpp 17729 2012-07-11
mex_cbf_windows.cpp 3646 2012-07-11
undistort_depth.m 3294 2014-03-20


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