仿美团团购网源码采用php+mysql的形式进行开发,包含了pc版+手机版+微信版页面。php切换到5.3(The source code of the imitating group buying network is developed in the form of php+mysql, including PC version + mobile version + WeChat page. PHP switch to 5.3)
文件名 | 大小 | 更新时间 |
about\contact.php | 173 | 2015-01-19 |
about\hotimages\2013090614150797508.png | 35835 | 2015-03-24 |
about\hotimages\ali.jpg | 53285 | 2015-03-24 |
about\hotimages\chneng.jpg | 48895 | 2015-08-30 |
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about\hotimages\jiayuan.jpg | 59595 | 2015-05-24 |
about\hotimages\life.jpg | 58771 | 2015-05-24 |
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about\hotimages\logo.png | 22103 | 2015-03-24 |
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about\hotimages\meituan.jpg | 60115 | 2016-01-19 |
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about\hotimages\tuan12.jpg | 55638 | 2015-03-24 |
about\hotimages\wxdh.jpg | 60792 | 2015-03-24 |
about\hotimages\yuanma1.jpg | 57321 | 2015-10-28 |
about\job.php | 165 | 2015-01-19 |
about\privacy.php | 173 | 2015-01-19 |
about\terms.php | 169 | 2015-01-19 |
about\us.php | 190 | 2015-01-19 |
about\慧通热销产品.html | 12587 | 2016-08-02 |
about\慧通网络.url | 208 | 2015-06-30 |
account\ajax.php | 995 | 2015-01-19 |
account\bindmobile.php | 703 | 2015-01-19 |
account\collect.php | 476 | 2015-01-19 |
account\comment.php | 709 | 2015-01-19 |
account\hotimages\2013090614150797508.png | 35835 | 2015-03-24 |
account\hotimages\ali.jpg | 53285 | 2015-03-24 |
account\hotimages\chneng.jpg | 48895 | 2015-08-30 |
account\hotimages\cjxt123.jpg | 57458 | 2015-03-24 |
account\hotimages\hot.png | 21772 | 2015-03-24 |
account\hotimages\hot1.jpg | 39843 | 2015-03-24 |
account\hotimages\jiayuan.jpg | 59595 | 2015-05-24 |
account\hotimages\life.jpg | 58771 | 2015-05-24 |
account\hotimages\life.png | 70814 | 2015-03-24 |
account\hotimages\logo.png | 22103 | 2015-03-24 |
account\hotimages\meilele123.jpg | 52978 | 2015-03-24 |
account\hotimages\meituan.jpg | 60115 | 2016-01-19 |
account\hotimages\o2o.jpg | 56367 | 2015-05-24 |
account\hotimages\tuan12.jpg | 55638 | 2015-03-24 |
account\hotimages\wxdh.jpg | 60792 | 2015-03-24 |
account\hotimages\yuanma1.jpg | 57321 | 2015-10-28 |
account\invite.php | 854 | 2015-01-19 |
account\invitemaillist.html | 866 | 2015-01-19 |
account\login.php | 1233 | 2015-01-19 |
account\loginup.php | 121 | 2015-01-19 |
account\logout.php | 345 | 2015-01-19 |
account\myask.php | 512 | 2015-01-19 |
account\qq_bind.php | 2732 | 2015-01-19 |
account\qzone_bind.php | 2799 | 2015-01-19 |
account\refer.php | 804 | 2015-01-19 |
account\referdone.php | 829 | 2015-01-19 |
account\referpending.php | 740 | 2015-01-19 |
account\repass.php | 3920 | 2015-01-19 |
account\repass11.php | 732 | 2015-01-19 |
account\reset.php | 856 | 2015-01-19 |
account\setaddress.php | 584 | 2015-01-19 |
account\setbinds.php | 292 | 2015-01-19 |
account\settings.php | 1620 | 2015-01-19 |
account\signmb.php | 3078 | 2015-01-19 |
account\signup.php | 1856 | 2015-01-19 |
account\signuped.php | 229 | 2015-01-19 |
account\sina_bind.php | 2795 | 2015-01-19 |
account\verify.php | 1328 | 2015-01-19 |
account\慧通热销产品.html | 12587 | 2016-08-02 |
account\慧通网络.url | 208 | 2015-06-30 |
agents\category\edit.php | 1252 | 2015-01-19 |
agents\category\index.php | 675 | 2015-01-19 |
agents\category\index.php1024 | 649 | 2015-01-19 |
agents\comment\comment_partner_edit.php | 3462 | 2015-01-19 |
agents\comment\comment_partner_index.php | 2126 | 2015-01-19 |
agents\comment\index.php | 3259 | 2015-01-19 |
agents\coupon\card.php | 1726 | 2015-01-19 |
agents\coupon\card.php1025 | 1646 | 2015-01-19 |
agents\coupon\cardcreate.php | 1458 | 2015-01-19 |
agents\coupon\cardcreate.php1025 | 1385 | 2015-01-19 |
agents\coupon\consume.php | 1185 | 2015-01-19 |
agents\coupon\expire.php | 1212 | 2015-01-19 |
agents\coupon\index.php | 1196 | 2015-01-19 |
agents\coupon\paycard.php | 1249 | 2015-01-19 |
agents\coupon\paycard.php1025 | 1183 | 2015-01-19 |
agents\coupon\paycardcreate.php | 1238 | 2015-01-19 |
agents\coupon\paycardcreate.php1025 | 1172 | 2015-01-19 |
agents\credit\ajax.php | 1793 | 2015-01-19 |
agents\credit\edit.php | 1060 | 2015-01-19 |
agents\credit\edit.php1025 | 999 | 2015-01-19 |
agents\credit\goods.php | 449 | 2015-01-19 |
agents\credit\goods.php1025 | 407 | 2015-01-19 |
agents\credit\index.php | 1216 | 2015-01-19 |
agents\credit\index.php1025 | 1145 | 2015-01-19 |
agents\credit\records.php | 552 | 2015-01-19 |
agents\credit\settings.php | 1889 | 2015-01-19 |
agents\credit\settings.php1025 | 1820 | 2015-01-19 |
agents\goods\addin.php | 2061 | 2015-01-19 |
agents\goods\carting.php | 947 | 2015-01-19 |
agents\goods\dissolve.php | 602 | 2015-01-19 |
agents\goods\down.php | 1172 | 2015-01-19 |
agents\goods\downall.php | 1459 | 2015-01-19 |
agents\goods\downbefor.php | 1428 | 2015-01-19 |