The adaptive Neural Network Library is a collection of blocks that implement several Adaptive Neural Networks featuring
different adaptation algorithms.~..~
There are 11 blocks that implement basically these 5 kinds of neural networks:
1) Adaptive Linear Network (ADALINE)
2) Multilayer Layer Perceptron with Extended Backpropagation algorithm (EBPA)
3) Radial Basis Functions (RBF) Networks
4) RBF Networks with Extended Minimal Resource Allocating algorithm (EMRAN)
5) RBF and Piecewise Linear Networks with Dynamic Cell Structure (DCS) algorithm
A simulink example regarding the approximation of a scalar nonlinear function of 4 variables -Adaptive (Adaptive) The neural network source adaptive Neural Network Library is a collection of blocks that implement several Adaptive Neural Networks featuring different adaptation algorithms .~..~ There are 11 blocks that implement basically these five kinds of neural networks : a) Adaptive Linear Network (ADALINE) 2) 102206 with Multilayer Layer Extended Backpropagation algorithm (EBPA) 3) Radial Basis Functions (RBF) Networks, 4) RBF Networks with Extended Minimal Resource Allocating algorithm (EMRAN) 5) RBF and Piecewise Linear Dynamic Networks with the Cell Structure (DCS) algorithm A Simulink example regarding the approximation of a scalar nonlinear function of four variables
The adaptive Neural Network Library is a collection of blocks that implement several Adaptive Neural Networks featuring
different adaptation algorithms.~..~
There are 11 blocks that implement basically these 5 kinds of neural networks:
1) Adaptive Linear Network (ADALINE)
2) Multilayer Layer Perceptron with Extended Backpropagation algorithm (EBPA)
3) Radial Basis Functions (RBF) Networks
4) RBF Networks with Extended Minimal Resource Allocating algorithm (EMRAN)
5) RBF and Piecewise Linear Networks with Dynamic Cell Structure (DCS) algorithm
A simulink example regarding the approximation of a scalar nonlinear function of 4 variables -Adaptive (Adaptive) The neural network source adaptive Neural Network Library is a collection of blocks that implement several Adaptive Neural Networks featuring different adaptation algorithms .~..~ There are 11 blocks that implement basically these five kinds of neural networks : a) Adaptive Linear Network (ADALINE) 2) 102206 with Multilayer Layer Extended Backpropagation algorithm (EBPA) 3) Radial Basis Functions (RBF) Networks, 4) RBF Networks with Extended Minimal Resource Allocating algorithm (EMRAN) 5) RBF and Piecewise Linear Dynamic Networks with the Cell Structure (DCS) algorithm A Simulink example regarding the approximation of a scalar nonlinear function of four variables
压缩包 : 37724116自适应(adaptive)神经网络源程序.zip 列表 ann.mdl contents.m dcsg2.dll dcsg5.p dcslin4.p demos.m emran6.dll extend3.p info.xml nncomp.mdl rbf4c.dll rbfnnet.p slblocks.m src.z.p 说明.txt