AFEM@matlab is a MATLAB package of adaptive finite element methods (AFEMs) for stationary and evolution partial differential equations in two spatial dimensions. It contains robust, efficient, and easy-to-follow codes for the main building blocks of adaptive finite element methods.
文件名 | 大小 | 更新时间 |
AFEM@matlab\1_Example | 0 | 2006-10-17 |
AFEM@matlab\1_Example\circle.m | 3388 | 2006-11-16 |
AFEM@matlab\1_Example\crack.m | 5251 | 2006-11-16 |
AFEM@matlab\1_Example\demo.fig | 2238 | 2006-10-17 |
AFEM@matlab\1_Example\demo.m | 4264 | 2006-10-17 |
AFEM@matlab\1_Example\femesh.mat | 1153 | 2006-10-17 |
AFEM@matlab\1_Example\Lbig.m | 4425 | 2006-11-16 |
AFEM@matlab\1_Example\Lshape.m | 4752 | 2006-11-16 |
AFEM@matlab\1_Example\simple.m | 3469 | 2006-11-16 |
AFEM@matlab\1_Example\utildemo.m | 3085 | 2006-10-17 |
AFEM@matlab\2_Solve | 0 | 2006-10-17 |
AFEM@matlab\2_Solve\femerror.m | 3095 | 2006-11-09 |
AFEM@matlab\2_Solve\Poisson.m | 5147 | 2006-11-16 |
AFEM@matlab\3_Estimate | 0 | 2006-10-17 |
AFEM@matlab\3_Estimate\estimate.m | 2399 | 2006-11-15 |
AFEM@matlab\4_Refine | 0 | 2006-10-17 |
AFEM@matlab\4_Refine\bisection.m | 7446 | 2006-11-16 |
AFEM@matlab\4_Refine\coarsening.m | 5022 | 2006-11-16 |
AFEM@matlab\4_Refine\label.m | 1405 | 2006-11-09 |
AFEM@matlab\4_Refine\uniformrefine.m | 3411 | 2006-11-17 |
AFEM@matlab\5_Mesh | 0 | 2006-10-17 |
AFEM@matlab\5_Mesh\getmesh.m | 1537 | 2006-10-17 |
AFEM@matlab\5_Mesh\putmesh.m | 1697 | 2006-10-17 |
AFEM@matlab\5_Mesh\putsolu.m | 1913 | 2006-10-17 |
AFEM@matlab\6_Tool | 0 | 2006-10-17 |
AFEM@matlab\6_Tool\findedge.m | 485 | 2006-10-20 |
AFEM@matlab\6_Tool\findelem.m | 390 | 2006-10-20 |
AFEM@matlab\6_Tool\findnode.m | 420 | 2006-10-20 |
AFEM@matlab\6_Tool\plotedge.m | 361 | 2006-10-20 |
AFEM@matlab\6_Tool\plotelem.m | 367 | 2006-10-20 |
AFEM@matlab\6_Tool\plotnode.m | 283 | 2006-10-20 |
AFEM@matlab\6_Tool\showmesh.m | 332 | 2006-11-15 |
AFEM@matlab\6_Tool\toolkit.fig | 3347 | 2006-10-17 |
AFEM@matlab\6_Tool\toolkit.m | 8166 | 2006-10-20 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap | 0 | 2006-11-17 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\AFEM@matlab | 0 | 2006-11-17 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\AFEM@matlab\1_Example | 0 | 2006-11-17 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\AFEM@matlab\1_Example\circle.html | 9665 | 2006-11-17 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\AFEM@matlab\1_Example\crack.html | 13746 | 2006-11-17 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\AFEM@matlab\1_Example\demo.html | 11858 | 2006-11-17 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\AFEM@matlab\1_Example\Lbig.html | 11936 | 2006-11-17 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\AFEM@matlab\1_Example\Lshape.html | 12879 | 2006-11-17 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\AFEM@matlab\1_Example\menu.html | 2137 | 2006-11-17 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\AFEM@matlab\1_Example\simple.html | 9165 | 2006-11-17 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\AFEM@matlab\1_Example\utildemo.html | 10049 | 2006-11-17 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\AFEM@matlab\2_Solve | 0 | 2006-11-17 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\AFEM@matlab\2_Solve\femerror.html | 7593 | 2006-11-17 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\AFEM@matlab\2_Solve\menu.html | 1278 | 2006-11-17 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\AFEM@matlab\2_Solve\Poisson.html | 11388 | 2006-11-17 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\AFEM@matlab\3_Estimate | 0 | 2006-11-17 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\AFEM@matlab\3_Estimate\estimate.html | 6960 | 2006-11-17 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\AFEM@matlab\3_Estimate\menu.html | 1233 | 2006-11-17 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\AFEM@matlab\4_Refine | 0 | 2006-11-17 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\AFEM@matlab\4_Refine\bisection.html | 14950 | 2006-11-17 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\AFEM@matlab\4_Refine\coarsening.html | 11521 | 2006-11-17 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\AFEM@matlab\4_Refine\label.html | 4718 | 2006-11-17 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\AFEM@matlab\4_Refine\menu.html | 1619 | 2006-11-17 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\AFEM@matlab\4_Refine\uniformrefine.html | 9038 | 2006-11-17 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\AFEM@matlab\5_Mesh | 0 | 2006-11-17 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\AFEM@matlab\5_Mesh\getmesh.html | 6233 | 2006-11-17 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\AFEM@matlab\5_Mesh\menu.html | 1485 | 2006-11-17 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\AFEM@matlab\5_Mesh\putmesh.html | 5636 | 2006-11-17 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\AFEM@matlab\5_Mesh\putsolu.html | 6243 | 2006-11-17 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\AFEM@matlab\6_Tool | 0 | 2006-11-17 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\AFEM@matlab\6_Tool\findedge.html | 3379 | 2006-11-17 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\AFEM@matlab\6_Tool\findelem.html | 3183 | 2006-11-17 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\AFEM@matlab\6_Tool\findnode.html | 3263 | 2006-11-17 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\AFEM@matlab\6_Tool\menu.html | 2046 | 2006-11-17 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\AFEM@matlab\6_Tool\plotedge.html | 3015 | 2006-11-17 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\AFEM@matlab\6_Tool\plotelem.html | 3219 | 2006-11-17 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\AFEM@matlab\6_Tool\plotnode.html | 3015 | 2006-11-17 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\AFEM@matlab\6_Tool\showmesh.html | 3079 | 2006-11-17 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\AFEM@matlab\6_Tool\toolkit.html | 19783 | 2006-11-17 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\alpha.png | 273 | 2003-10-03 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\c.png | 252 | 2003-10-03 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\c++.png | 327 | 2003-10-03 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\demoicon.gif | 214 | 2003-10-03 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\down.png | 133 | 2003-10-03 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\fortran.png | 265 | 2003-10-03 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\hp.png | 255 | 2003-10-03 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\index.html | 916 | 2003-10-03 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\left.png | 136 | 2003-10-03 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\linux.png | 272 | 2003-10-03 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\m2html.css | 1002 | 2003-10-03 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\matlabicon.gif | 574 | 2003-10-03 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\menu.html | 3372 | 2006-11-17 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\mex.png | 242 | 2003-10-03 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\right.png | 136 | 2003-10-03 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\sgi.png | 263 | 2003-10-03 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\simulinkicon.gif | 977 | 2003-10-03 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\solaris.png | 286 | 2003-10-03 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\up.png | 162 | 2003-10-03 |
AFEM@matlab\7_CodeMap\windows.png | 286 | 2003-10-03 |
AFEM@matlab\AFEM@matlab.pdf | 97356 | 2006-10-17 |
AFEM@matlab\COPYLEFT | 1003 | 2006-10-17 |
AFEM@matlab\GPL | 17987 | 2006-10-17 |
AFEM@matlab\ReadMe.txt | 1584 | 2006-11-02 |
AFEM@matlab\screenshot.jpg | 116788 | 2006-10-20 |
AFEM@matlab\WhatIsNew.txt | 512 | 2006-11-17 |