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tornado 开发的嵌入式源代码,希望能给初学者提供帮助


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1.Multi-Processing\1.VMEbus interrupts\intSync.c
1.Multi-Processing\1.VMEbus interrupts\intGen.c
1.Multi-Processing\1.VMEbus interrupts\intGen.h
1.Multi-Processing\1.VMEbus interrupts\README_intSync
1.Multi-Processing\1.VMEbus interrupts\README_intGen
1.Multi-Processing\1.VMEbus interrupts
1.Multi-Processing\2.Shared memory System Partition\buffSend.c
1.Multi-Processing\2.Shared memory System Partition\buffProtocol.h
1.Multi-Processing\2.Shared memory System Partition\buffReceive.c
1.Multi-Processing\2.Shared memory System Partition\README_shMemAlloc
1.Multi-Processing\2.Shared memory System Partition
1.Multi-Processing\3.Shared Semaphore\semTask2.c
1.Multi-Processing\3.Shared Semaphore\README_shSem
1.Multi-Processing\3.Shared Semaphore\semExample.h
1.Multi-Processing\3.Shared Semaphore\semTask1.c
1.Multi-Processing\3.Shared Semaphore
1.Multi-Processing\4.Shared Memory System Partition\memPartExample.h
1.Multi-Processing\4.Shared Memory System Partition\memPartReceive.c
1.Multi-Processing\4.Shared Memory System Partition\memPartSend.c
1.Multi-Processing\4.Shared Memory System Partition\README_shMemPart
1.Multi-Processing\4.Shared Memory System Partition
2.Networking\1.FAQ - WindNet SNMPv1v2c 1.0\snmp-faq-1.1.ascii
2.Networking\1.FAQ - WindNet SNMPv1v2c 1.0
2.Networking\2.TCP socket communication between two systems using socket options SO_SNDBUF and SO_RCVBUF\uxBlaster.c
2.Networking\2.TCP socket communication between two systems using socket options SO_SNDBUF and SO_RCVBUF\vxBlaster.c
2.Networking\2.TCP socket communication between two systems using socket options SO_SNDBUF and SO_RCVBUF\uxBlastee.c
2.Networking\2.TCP socket communication between two systems using socket options SO_SNDBUF and SO_RCVBUF\vxBlastee.c
2.Networking\2.TCP socket communication between two systems using socket options SO_SNDBUF and SO_RCVBUF\winBlaster.c
2.Networking\2.TCP socket communication between two systems using socket options SO_SNDBUF and SO_RCVBUF\README_uxBlastee
2.Networking\2.TCP socket communication between two systems using socket options SO_SNDBUF and SO_RCVBUF\README_vxBlaster
2.Networking\2.TCP socket communication between two systems using socket options SO_SNDBUF and SO_RCVBUF\README_vxBlastee
2.Networking\2.TCP socket communication between two systems using socket options SO_SNDBUF and SO_RCVBUF\README_winBlaster
2.Networking\2.TCP socket communication between two systems using socket options SO_SNDBUF and SO_RCVBUF\README_uxBlaster
2.Networking\2.TCP socket communication between two systems using socket options SO_SNDBUF and SO_RCVBUF
2.Networking\3.Echo service using TCP sockets between two systems with socket options SO_REUSEADDR, SO_KEEPALIVE, TCP_NODELAY and SO_LINGER\echoServer.c
2.Networking\3.Echo service using TCP sockets between two systems with socket options SO_REUSEADDR, SO_KEEPALIVE, TCP_NODELAY and SO_LINGER\echoClient.c
2.Networking\3.Echo service using TCP sockets between two systems with socket options SO_REUSEADDR, SO_KEEPALIVE, TCP_NODELAY and SO_LINGER\README_echoServer
2.Networking\3.Echo service using TCP sockets between two systems with socket options SO_REUSEADDR, SO_KEEPALIVE, TCP_NODELAY and SO_LINGER\README_echoClient
2.Networking\3.Echo service using TCP sockets between two systems with socket options SO_REUSEADDR, SO_KEEPALIVE, TCP_NODELAY and SO_LINGER
2.Networking\4.UDP sockets communication between UDP server running on a VxWorks system and UDP client running on a UNIX host\udpExample.h
2.Networking\4.UDP sockets communication between UDP server running on a VxWorks system and UDP client running on a UNIX host\vxServer.c
2.Networking\4.UDP sockets communication between UDP server running on a VxWorks system and UDP client running on a UNIX host\client.h
2.Networking\4.UDP sockets communication between UDP server running on a VxWorks system and UDP client running on a UNIX host\unixClient.c
2.Networking\4.UDP sockets communication between UDP server running on a VxWorks system and UDP client running on a UNIX host\README_unixClient
2.Networking\4.UDP sockets communication between UDP server running on a VxWorks system and UDP client running on a UNIX host\README_vxServer
2.Networking\4.UDP sockets communication between UDP server running on a VxWorks system and UDP client running on a UNIX host
2.Networking\5.Broadcasting a message using UDP sockets communication between two VxWorks systems. Demo for using the SIOCGIFCONF ioctl option\broadcastSend.c
2.Networking\5.Broadcasting a message using UDP sockets communication between two VxWorks systems. Demo for using the SIOCGIFCONF ioctl option\broadcastGet.c
2.Networking\5.Broadcasting a message using UDP sockets communication between two VxWorks systems. Demo for using the SIOCGIFCONF ioctl option\README_broadcastSend
2.Networking\5.Broadcasting a message using UDP sockets communication between two VxWorks systems. Demo for using the SIOCGIFCONF ioctl option\README_broadcastGet
2.Networking\5.Broadcasting a message using UDP sockets communication between two VxWorks systems. Demo for using the SIOCGIFCONF ioctl option
2.Networking\6.Using low-level ethernet routines, etherInputHookAdd and etherOutput\etherOutputDemo.c
2.Networking\6.Using low-level ethernet routines, etherInputHookAdd and etherOutput\etherDemo.h
2.Networking\6.Using low-level ethernet routines, etherInputHookAdd and etherOutput\etherInputDemo.c
2.Networking\6.Using low-level ethernet routines, etherInputHookAdd and etherOutput\README_etherOutputDemo
2.Networking\6.Using low-level ethernet routines, etherInputHookAdd and etherOutput\README_etherInputDemo
2.Networking\6.Using low-level ethernet routines, etherInputHookAdd and etherOutput
2.Networking\7.Print the ethernet address of the Vxworks target network interface\printEtherAddrs.c
2.Networking\7.Print the ethernet address of the Vxworks target network interface\README_printEtherAddrs
2.Networking\7.Print the ethernet address of the Vxworks target network interface
2.Networking\8.Send ICMP ECHO packets to a network host and elicit ICMP ECHO_RESPONSE from that host (ping utility on VxWorks target)\README_vxPing
2.Networking\8.Send ICMP ECHO packets to a network host and elicit ICMP ECHO_RESPONSE from that host (ping utility on VxWorks target)\vxPing.c
2.Networking\8.Send ICMP ECHO packets to a network host and elicit ICMP ECHO_RESPONSE from that host (ping utility on VxWorks target)
2.Networking\9.Using remote machine (UNIX) shell command - rcmd\README_rdate
2.Networking\9.Using remote machine (UNIX) shell command - rcmd\rdate.c
2.Networking\9.Using remote machine (UNIX) shell command - rcmd
2.Networking\10.Reading a remote file on the UNIX host using FTP commands\vxFtpClient.c
2.Networking\10.Reading a remote file on the UNIX host using FTP commands\ftpData.txt
2.Networking\10.Reading a remote file on the UNIX host using FTP commands\README_vxFtpClient
2.Networking\10.Reading a remote file on the UNIX host using FTP commands
2.Networking\11.Write data to NFS file on UNIX host\nfsWrite.c
2.Networking\11.Write data to NFS file on UNIX host\README_nfsWrite
2.Networking\11.Write data to NFS file on UNIX host
2.Networking\12.Use zbuf interface library to create and display data\zbufManip.c
2.Networking\12.Use zbuf interface library to create and display data\README_zbuf
2.Networking\12.Use zbuf interface library to create and display data
2.Networking\13.Extending the 5.2 VxWorks SNMPv1v2 agent with a MIB\v_vxdemo.c
2.Networking\13.Extending the 5.2 VxWorks SNMPv1v2 agent with a MIB\vxdemo.my
2.Networking\13.Extending the 5.2 VxWorks SNMPv1v2 agent with a MIB\k_vxdemo.c
2.Networking\13.Extending the 5.2 VxWorks SNMPv1v2 agent with a MIB\README_52vxdemo
2.Networking\13.Extending the 5.2 VxWorks SNMPv1v2 agent with a MIB
2.Networking\14.Extending the SNMPv1v2c agent with a scalar MIB\demo.mib
2.Networking\14.Extending the SNMPv1v2c agent with a scalar MIB\demo.c
2.Networking\14.Extending the SNMPv1v2c agent with a scalar MIB\Makefile.demo
2.Networking\14.Extending the SNMPv1v2c agent with a scalar MIB\README_demo
2.Networking\14.Extending the SNMPv1v2c agent with a scalar MIB
2.Networking\15.Extending the SNMPv1v2c agent with a table MIB\demoMy.mib
2.Networking\15.Extending the SNMPv1v2c agent with a table MIB\snmpTask.c
2.Networking\15.Extending the SNMPv1v2c agent with a table MIB\snmpTask.h
2.Networking\15.Extending the SNMPv1v2c agent with a table MIB\README_snmpTask
2.Networking\15.Extending the SNMPv1v2c agent with a table MIB
2.Networking\16.Sending SNMP enterprise traps to multiple destinations\trapSendDemo.c
2.Networking\16.Sending SNMP enterprise traps to multiple destinations\README_trapSendDemo
2.Networking\16.Sending SNMP enterprise traps to multiple destinations
3.Input-Output\Using select\selectDemo.c
3.Input-Output\Using select\README_selectDemo
3.Input-Output\Using select
4.File System\dosFS multiple partition support for ataDrv\Ata\dosPartLibAta.h
4.File System\dosFS multiple partition support for ataDrv\Ata\dosPartLibAta.c
4.File System\dosFS multiple partition support for ataDrv\Ata
4.File System\dosFS multiple partition support for ataDrv\SCSI\dosPartLibScsi.c
4.File System\dosFS multiple partition support for ataDrv\SCSI\dosPartLibScsi.h
4.File System\dosFS multiple partition support for ataDrv\SCSI
4.File System\dosFS multiple partition support for ataDrv
4.File System
5.MMU\Use VM contexts to make data private to a code segment\privateCode.h
5.MMU\Use VM contexts to make data private to a code segment\privateCode.c
5.MMU\Use VM contexts to make data private to a code segment\README_privateCode
5.MMU\Use VM contexts to make data private to a code segment
6.Multi-Tasking\1.Intertask communication using message queues\msgQDemo.h
6.Multi-Tasking\1.Intertask communication using message queues\msgQDemo.c
6.Multi-Tasking\1.Intertask communication using message queues\README_msgQDemo
6.Multi-Tasking\1.Intertask communication using message queues
6.Multi-Tasking\2.Intertask communication using pipes\pipeServer.c
6.Multi-Tasking\2.Intertask communication using pipes\README_pipeServer
6.Multi-Tasking\2.Intertask communication using pipes
6.Multi-Tasking\3.Mutual exclusion semaphore for intertask synchronization. Exclusive access to data shared among multiple tasks\mutexSemDemo.h
6.Multi-Tasking\3.Mutual exclusion semaphore for intertask synchronization. Exclusive access to data shared among multiple tasks\mutexSemDemo.c
6.Multi-Tasking\3.Mutual exclusion semaphore for intertask synchronization. Exclusive access to data shared among multiple tasks\README_mutexSemDemo
6.Multi-Tasking\3.Mutual exclusion semaphore for intertask synchronization. Exclusive access to data shared among multiple tasks
6.Multi-Tasking\4.Intertask synchronization using binary semaphores\README_synchronizeDemo
6.Multi-Tasking\4.Intertask synchronization using binary semaphores\synchronizeDemo.c
6.Multi-Tasking\4.Intertask synchronization using binary semaphores
6.Multi-Tasking\5.Task synchronization using counting semaphores\README_countingSemDemo
6.Multi-Tasking\5.Task synchronization using counting semaphores\countingSemDemo.c
6.Multi-Tasking\5.Task synchronization using counting semaphores
6.Multi-Tasking\6.Implementing a thread-safe C++ class\README_testQ
6.Multi-Tasking\6.Implementing a thread-safe C++ class\Makefile
6.Multi-Tasking\6.Implementing a thread-safe C++ class\bool.h
6.Multi-Tasking\6.Implementing a thread-safe C++ class\cpstring.cc
6.Multi-Tasking\6.Implementing a thread-safe C++ class\cpstring.h
6.Multi-Tasking\6.Implementing a thread-safe C++ class\queueT.h
6.Multi-Tasking\6.Implementing a thread-safe C++ class\queueT.cc
6.Multi-Tasking\6.Implementing a thread-safe C++ class\sharedQT.h
6.Multi-Tasking\6.Implementing a thread-safe C++ class\sharedQT.cc
6.Multi-Tasking\6.Implementing a thread-safe C++ class\testQ.cc
6.Multi-Tasking\6.Implementing a thread-safe C++ class\testQ.h
6.Multi-Tasking\6.Implementing a thread-safe C++ class
7.ANSI-C\1.Setting the clock to the time of the day value\setTimeOfDay.c
7.ANSI-C\1.Setting the clock to the time of the day value\README_setTimeOfDay
7.ANSI-C\1.Setting the clock to the time of the day value
7.ANSI-C\2.A test program for the locale ANSI C library routines\testLocale.c
7.ANSI-C\2.A test program for the locale ANSI C library routines\test.h
7.ANSI-C\2.A test program for the locale ANSI C library routines\README_testLocale
7.ANSI-C\2.A test program for the locale ANSI C library routines
7.ANSI-C\3.Test programs for the ANSI math library routines\testMath1.c
7.ANSI-C\3.Test programs for the ANSI math library routines\testMath2.c
7.ANSI-C\3.Test programs for the ANSI math library routines\testMath3.c
7.ANSI-C\3.Test programs for the ANSI math library routines\README_testMath3
7.ANSI-C\3.Test programs for the ANSI math library routines\README_testMath1
7.ANSI-C\3.Test programs for the ANSI math library routines\README_testMath2
7.ANSI-C\3.Test programs for the ANSI math library routines\test.h
7.ANSI-C\3.Test programs for the ANSI math library routines
7.ANSI-C\4.A test program for the setjmp ANSI C library routines\README_testSetjmp
7.ANSI-C\4.A test program for the setjmp ANSI C library routines\testSetjmp.c
7.ANSI-C\4.A test program for the setjmp ANSI C library routines\test.h
7.ANSI-C\4.A test program for the setjmp ANSI C library routines
7.ANSI-C\5.Test programs for the stdio ANSI C library routines\teststdio.c
7.ANSI-C\5.Test programs for the stdio ANSI C library routines\teststdio2.c
7.ANSI-C\5.Test programs for the stdio ANSI C library routines\README_teststdio
7.ANSI-C\5.Test programs for the stdio ANSI C library routines\README_teststdio2
7.ANSI-C\5.Test programs for the stdio ANSI C library routines\test.h
7.ANSI-C\5.Test programs for the stdio ANSI C library routines
7.ANSI-C\6.Test programs for the time ANSI C library routines\testCtimeUTC.c
7.ANSI-C\6.Test programs for the time ANSI C library routines\testCtimePST.c
7.ANSI-C\6.Test programs for the time ANSI C library routines\testMktime.c
7.ANSI-C\6.Test programs for the time ANSI C library routines\testStrftime.c
7.ANSI-C\6.Test programs for the time ANSI C library routines\testGmtime.c
7.ANSI-C\6.Test programs for the time ANSI C library routines\README_testCtimeUTC
7.ANSI-C\6.Test programs for the time ANSI C library routines\README_testCtimePST
7.ANSI-C\6.Test programs for the time ANSI C library routines\README_testMktime
7.ANSI-C\6.Test programs for the time ANSI C library routines\README_testGmtime
7.ANSI-C\6.Test programs for the time ANSI C library routines\test.h
7.ANSI-C\6.Test programs for the time ANSI C library routines\README_setTimeOfDay
7.ANSI-C\6.Test programs for the time ANSI C library routines
8.POSIX\Using POSIX timer function\README_posixTimer
8.POSIX\Using POSIX timer function\posixTimer.c
8.POSIX\Using POSIX timer function
9.ExecHandling\1.Using signals to allow a task to recover gracefully from exceptions\README_recoverExcSigDemo
9.ExecHandling\1.Using signals to allow a task to recover gracefully from exceptions\recoverExcDemo.c
9.ExecHandling\1.Using signals to allow a task to recover gracefully from exceptions
9.ExecHandling\2.Using signal handler connected to POSIX timer\README_posixTimerStartDemo
9.ExecHandling\2.Using signal handler connected to POSIX timer\posixTimerStartDemo.c
9.ExecHandling\2.Using signal handler connected to POSIX timer
9.ExecHandling\3.Using signals to allow a task to recover\README_recoverExcDemo
9.ExecHandling\3.Using signals to allow a task to recover\recoverExcSigDemo.c
9.ExecHandling\3.Using signals to allow a task to recover
9.ExecHandling\4.Using watchdog timers to invoke deadline handlers\README_deadlineWdDemo
9.ExecHandling\4.Using watchdog timers to invoke deadline handlers\deadlineWdDemo.c
9.ExecHandling\4.Using watchdog timers to invoke deadline handlers


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