2.后台功能限制:免费版后台无富文本编辑器,无法下载和切换模板,无法修改联系方式;授权版无任何限制。(1. front desk copyright watermark: the free version of the front desk has the S-CMS enterprise building watermark, the Authorized Edition is not.
2. background function limit: free version of the background without rich text editor, can not download and switch templates, can not modify the contact mode; the Authorized Edition without any restrictions.)
2.后台功能限制:免费版后台无富文本编辑器,无法下载和切换模板,无法修改联系方式;授权版无任何限制。(1. front desk copyright watermark: the free version of the front desk has the S-CMS enterprise building watermark, the Authorized Edition is not.
2. background function limit: free version of the background without rich text editor, can not download and switch templates, can not modify the contact mode; the Authorized Edition without any restrictions.)
相关搜索: S-CMS
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