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参加运动会有n个学校,学校名对应的编号为1……n。比赛分成m个男子项目,和w个女子项目。项目编号为男子1……m,女子m+1……m+w。不同的项目取前五名或前三名积分;取前五名的积分分别为:7、5、3、2、1,前三名的积分分别为:5、3、2;哪些取前五名或前三名自己设定(数据可以存储在一个数据文件中,数据结构、具体数据自定)。具体功能有:1)可以输入各个项目的前三名或前五名的成绩;2)能统计各学校总分;3)可以按学校编号或名称、学校总分、男女团体总分排序输出;4)可以按学校编号查询学校某个项目的情况;可以按项目编号查询取得前三或前五名的学校。5)数据存入文件并能随时查询。(There are n schools in the sports meeting, and the school name is numbered 1... N. The competition is divided into m men's events, and W women's events. The project number is man 1... M, woman m+1... M+w. Different items from the top five or top three in integral integral; the top five were: 7, 5, 3, 2, 1, three points were: 5, 3, 2; which take the top five or top three (their own set of data can be stored in a in the data file, data structure, specific data set). Specific functions: 1) can enter the various items in the top three or top five results; 2) to statistics schools; 3) according to the number or name of the school, the school scores, scores of men and women groups sort out; 4) can check the school by school number one project according to the situation; item number query made the top three or top five schools. 5) the data is stored in the file and can be querying at any time.)


运动会分数统计\代码.cpp 10708 2018-01-09
运动会分数统计\代码.exe 141673 2018-01-09
运动会分数统计\任务书.doc 37888 2018-01-09
运动会分数统计\说明书.doc 247808 2018-01-09
运动会分数统计 0 2018-01-09


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