(1)抢答器同时供8名选手或8 个代表队比赛,分别用8 个按钮S0-S7表示。
(2)抢答器具有定时抢答功能,且一次抢答的时间由主持人设定(如30 秒)。
(3)当主持人启动"开始"键后,定时器进行减计时,同时扬声器发出短暂的声响,声响持续的时间0.5 秒左右。
(5)如果定时时间已到,无人抢答,本次抢答无效,系统报警并禁止抢答,定时显示器上显示00。(The eight way of answering machine, which is designed with AT89C51 MCU as the core, is:
(1) the answer device is contested by 8 players or 8 teams at the same time, with 8 buttons S0-S7 respectively.
(2) the responder has a timing and answer function, and the time for one to answer the answer is set by the host (such as 30 seconds).
(3) when the host starts the "start" key, the timer is timed, and the loudspeaker gives a short sound, and the sound duration is about 0.5 seconds.
(4) the contestants are able to rush to answer the questions at the appointed time, and the answer is effective. The timer stops working, and the number and the time to answer the players are displayed on the monitor.
(5) if the time has arrived, no answer, the answer is invalid, the system alarm and the prohibition of response, display 00 on timing display.)
(1)抢答器同时供8名选手或8 个代表队比赛,分别用8 个按钮S0-S7表示。
(2)抢答器具有定时抢答功能,且一次抢答的时间由主持人设定(如30 秒)。
(3)当主持人启动"开始"键后,定时器进行减计时,同时扬声器发出短暂的声响,声响持续的时间0.5 秒左右。
(5)如果定时时间已到,无人抢答,本次抢答无效,系统报警并禁止抢答,定时显示器上显示00。(The eight way of answering machine, which is designed with AT89C51 MCU as the core, is:
(1) the answer device is contested by 8 players or 8 teams at the same time, with 8 buttons S0-S7 respectively.
(2) the responder has a timing and answer function, and the time for one to answer the answer is set by the host (such as 30 seconds).
(3) when the host starts the "start" key, the timer is timed, and the loudspeaker gives a short sound, and the sound duration is about 0.5 seconds.
(4) the contestants are able to rush to answer the questions at the appointed time, and the answer is effective. The timer stops working, and the number and the time to answer the players are displayed on the monitor.
(5) if the time has arrived, no answer, the answer is invalid, the system alarm and the prohibition of response, display 00 on timing display.)
相关搜索: 嵌入式/抢答器
文件名 | 大小 | 更新时间 |
仿真图\8位抢答器.pdsprj | 20117 | 2017-07-10 |
仿真图\8位抢答器.pdsprj.705-25.Administrator.workspace | 328 | 2017-07-10 |
仿真图\8位抢答器.pdsprj.DESKTOP-01GV7C4.L.workspace | 2196 | 2017-07-12 |
仿真图\Backup Of 8位抢答器.pdsbak | 20117 | 2017-07-10 |
仿真图\抢答器.hex | 1687 | 2016-07-14 |
仿真图 |