An enterprise employee salary query software, administrators only need to import the Excel table into the system, enter the staff's work number and other information, employees can query the wages online. It is more convenient to inquire the salary and realize the paperless wage inquiry, which greatly saves the time of printing and cutting the salary.
1., there are 3 different roles, system administrators, department administrators and ordinary users. System administrator can add various departments administrator, upload payroll, etc., the Department Administrator can edit the corresponding department employees and wages, employees can check their wages.
2. support Excel form template upload staff information, so that staff information input more quickly.
1., there are 3 different roles, system administrators, department administrators and ordinary users. System administrator can add various departments administrator, upload payroll, etc., the Department Administrator can edit the corresponding department employees and wages, employees can check their wages.
2. support Excel form template upload staff information, so that staff information input more quickly.
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