本书为ArcGIS API for Javascr ipt快速入门手册,专为想要快速上手ArcGIS API for Javascr ipt的人而写。阅读本书之前,最好具有HTML、CSS、Javascr ipt的基础概念。
本书所有程式码均使用3.14版的API,如对书中的程式语法有疑问,可到线上参考文件进行查询。由于本书篇幅有限,无法涵盖所有应用范畴,如有未臻之处,还请见谅。阅读过程中如有发现错误,还请不吝指教。(Who is the book for?
This book is the ArcGIS API for Javascr ipt quick start manual, designed for people who want to quickly get started with ArcGIS API for Javascr ipt. Before reading this book, it is better to have the basic concepts of HTML, CSS, and Javascr ipt.
All the codes in this book use the 3.14 edition of API. If you have questions about the program syntax in the book, you can consult the online reference file. As the book is limited in space, it can not cover all areas of application. If there is any shortage, please forgive me. In the process of reading if errors were found, please feel free to contact us.)
本书为ArcGIS API for Javascr ipt快速入门手册,专为想要快速上手ArcGIS API for Javascr ipt的人而写。阅读本书之前,最好具有HTML、CSS、Javascr ipt的基础概念。
本书所有程式码均使用3.14版的API,如对书中的程式语法有疑问,可到线上参考文件进行查询。由于本书篇幅有限,无法涵盖所有应用范畴,如有未臻之处,还请见谅。阅读过程中如有发现错误,还请不吝指教。(Who is the book for?
This book is the ArcGIS API for Javascr ipt quick start manual, designed for people who want to quickly get started with ArcGIS API for Javascr ipt. Before reading this book, it is better to have the basic concepts of HTML, CSS, and Javascr ipt.
All the codes in this book use the 3.14 edition of API. If you have questions about the program syntax in the book, you can consult the online reference file. As the book is limited in space, it can not cover all areas of application. If there is any shortage, please forgive me. In the process of reading if errors were found, please feel free to contact us.)