文件名称:蓝牙4.0 BLE物联网开发技术实战完全教程电子书
模块做为智能手机外设的桥梁,使得主机端应用开发异常简单。在桥接模式下(串口), 用户的现有产品或者方案配合此透传模块,能十分方便地和移动设备(需支持蓝牙 4.0)相互通讯,实现超强的智能化控制和管理。(As a bridge of smart phone peripherals, modules make the host application development very simple. In the bridge mode (serial port), the existing product or scheme of the user can cooperate with the transmitting module, and can conveniently communicate with the mobile device (Bluetooth 4) to realize super intelligent control and management.)
蓝牙4.0 BLE物联网开发技术实战完全教程电子书.pdf