AFE4300是低成本的衡器和人体成份(BCM)测量模拟前端(AFE),集成了两个单独的信号链:一个用来重量测量,一个采用16位860SPS ADC进行人体成份分析.器件中的三个BCM通路允许对身体手和足间的部分身体阻抗进行分析(BIA),从而得出人体成份的全图.器件的工作电压2 V- 3.6 V,主要用于衡器和人体成份测量.-The AFE4300 is a low-cost analog front-end incorporating two separate signal chains: one chain for weight-scale (WS) measurement and the other for body composition measurement (BCM) analysis. A 16-bit, 860-SPS analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is multiplexed between both chains. The weight measurement chain includes an instrumentation amplifier (INA) with the gain set by an external resistor, followed by a 6-bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC) for offset correction, and a circuit to drive the external bridge/load cell with a fixed 1.7 V for ratiometric measurements.