本实验利用VHDL 硬件描述语言设计一个0~9999 的加法计数器。根据一定频率的触发
时钟,计数器进行加计数,并利用数码管进行显示,当计数到9999 时,从0 开始重新计数。
SW0 为复位开关。当开关拨至高点平时,计数器归0,当开关拨至低电平时,计数器开始计数。
该电路包括分频电路,计数器电路,二进制转BCD 码电路和数码管显示电路。-This experiment uses VHDL hardware descr iption language to design a 0 ~ 9999 addition counter. According to a certain frequency of the trigger
Clock, the counter counts up, and the use of digital tube display, when the count to 9999, 0 to re-count.
SW0 is the reset switch. When the switch to the high point of ping, the counter to 0, when the switch to low, the counter began to count.
The circuit includes a frequency dividing circuit, a counter circuit, a binary-to-BCD code circuit and a digital tube display circuit.
时钟,计数器进行加计数,并利用数码管进行显示,当计数到9999 时,从0 开始重新计数。
SW0 为复位开关。当开关拨至高点平时,计数器归0,当开关拨至低电平时,计数器开始计数。
该电路包括分频电路,计数器电路,二进制转BCD 码电路和数码管显示电路。-This experiment uses VHDL hardware descr iption language to design a 0 ~ 9999 addition counter. According to a certain frequency of the trigger
Clock, the counter counts up, and the use of digital tube display, when the count to 9999, 0 to re-count.
SW0 is the reset switch. When the switch to the high point of ping, the counter to 0, when the switch to low, the counter began to count.
The circuit includes a frequency dividing circuit, a counter circuit, a binary-to-BCD code circuit and a digital tube display circuit.