
  • 所属分类:
  • 人工智能/神经网络/遗传算法
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  • [Text]
  • 上传时间:
  • 2016-09-10
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  • 2kb
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  • 提 供 者:
  • 王*
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蚁群算法(ant colony optimization, ACO),又称蚂蚁算法,是一种用来在图中寻找优化路径的机率型算法。它由Marco Dorigo于1992年在他的博士论文中提出,其灵感来源于蚂蚁在寻找食物过程中发现路径的行为。蚁群算法是一种模拟进化算法,初步的研究表明该算法具有许多优良的性质。针对PID控制器参数优化设计问题,将蚁群算法设计的结果与遗传算法设计的结果进行了比较,数值仿真结果表明,蚁群算法具有一种新的模拟进化优化方法的有效性和应用价值。-Ant colony algorithm (ant colony optimization, the ACO), also called ant algorithm, is a kind of used to type the probability of finding optimal path algorithm in the picture. It by Marco Dorigo in 1992 in his PhD thesis is put forward, its inspiration the path in the process of ants searching for food. Ant colony algorithm is a kind of simulated evolutionary algorithm, preliminary studies show that the algorithm has many good properties. For PID controller parameters optimization design problem, the result of the ant colony algorithm was designed with the genetic algorithm by comparing the results of the numerical simulation results show that the ant colony algorithm is a new kind of simulated evolutionary optimization method is effective and applied value.




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