This a Publisher/Subscriber implementation of network communications.
The package is comprised of two main parts.
1. A Dispatcher that handles connection requests.
2. An API for interacting with the Dispatcher.-Most people are probably familiar with RSS feeds. An RSS feed is an example of a publisher/subscriber implementation,
where information is published onto the internet and people may subscribe to updates using their browser or
some other client. A single published service may have millions on subscribers and publish its data every few hours as
data changes or periodically, maybe once or twice a day.
This package contains a similar implementation where a client subscribes to a publisher , however, it is geared towards
high bandwidth data streaming across a local network. So, unlike its internet counterpart, it is not attempting to
service millions of clients who require an update once or twice a day. But service a few (maybe 1-10) clients every few seconds
or even milliseconds.
The main focus of this package is the Dispatcher which facilitates the publisher/subscriber environment.
The implementation can support many network topologies that sui
The package is comprised of two main parts.
1. A Dispatcher that handles connection requests.
2. An API for interacting with the Dispatcher.-Most people are probably familiar with RSS feeds. An RSS feed is an example of a publisher/subscriber implementation,
where information is published onto the internet and people may subscribe to updates using their browser or
some other client. A single published service may have millions on subscribers and publish its data every few hours as
data changes or periodically, maybe once or twice a day.
This package contains a similar implementation where a client subscribes to a publisher , however, it is geared towards
high bandwidth data streaming across a local network. So, unlike its internet counterpart, it is not attempting to
service millions of clients who require an update once or twice a day. But service a few (maybe 1-10) clients every few seconds
or even milliseconds.
The main focus of this package is the Dispatcher which facilitates the publisher/subscriber environment.
The implementation can support many network topologies that sui
.........\Elapsed Time.vi
.........\Position Form.vi
.........\Queue operation.ctl
.........\Tick Count+.vi
...\Client DataType.vi
...\Dispatcher Query.vi
...\Dispatcher Register.vi
..........\....\Disp Check Service Exists.vi
..........\....\Disp Client DataType.vi
..........\....\Disp Client List Gbl.vi
..........\....\Disp Connection Info.ctl
..........\....\Disp Find Service By Connection.vi
..........\....\Disp Find Service By Name.vi
..........\....\Disp Find Subscriber.vi
..........\....\Disp Launch Service Handler.vi
..........\....\Disp Open TX Port.vi
..........\....\Disp Register Service.vi
..........\....\Disp Register Subscriber.vi
..........\....\Disp Service DataType.vi
..........\....\Disp Service Handler.vi
..........\....\Disp Service Info.ctl
..........\....\Disp Set Handler Options.vi
..........\....\Disp Subscriber Info.ctl
..........\....\Disp SYS Command Processor.vi
..........\....\Disp Unregister Service.vi
..........\....\Disp Unregister Subscriber.vi
..........\.........\Disp ACK NACK.vi
..........\.........\Disp Get Message.vi
..........\.........\Disp Handler Send SYS Msg.vi
..........\.........\Disp Query Get Service.vi
..........\.........\Disp Query Get Services.vi
..........\.........\Disp Query Get Subscribers.vi
..........\.........\Disp Reg ACK NACK.vi
..........\.........\Disp Send Service List.vi
..........\.........\Disp Send Service.vi
..........\.........\Disp Send Subscriber.vi
..........\.....\TCIP Close.vi
..........\.....\TCIP Create Listener.vi
..........\.....\TCIP Get Payload Info.vi
..........\.....\TCIP Open.vi
..........\.....\TCIP Read.vi
..........\.....\TCIP Set Payload Info.vi
..........\.....\TCIP Write.vi
..........\.....\.........\.............\Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial - Share-Alike 2.0 England and Wales.pdf
..........\.....\.........\..........\LabVIEW Blowfish Encryption.llb
..........\.....\.........\..........\LabVIEW Blowfish Encryption.zip
..........\.....\.........\........\UDP Multicast Client.vi
..........\.....\.........\........\UDP Multicast Server.vi
..........\.....\.........\Transport Core
..........\.....\.........\..............\Transport BT Find Service.vi
..........\.....\.........\..............\Transport Check Address.vi
..........\.....\.........\..............\Transport Check CRC32.vi
..........\.....\.........\..............\Transport Check MCast.vi
..........\.....\.........\..............\Transport Close.vi
..........\.....\.........\..............\Transport CRC32.vi
..........\.....\.........\..............\Transport Create Listener.vi
..........\.....\.........\..............\Transport Explicit Error.vi
..........\.....\.........\..............\Transport Get Renum.vi
..........\.....\.........\..............\Transport Open.vi
..........\.....\.........\..............\Transport Pack.vi
..........\.....\.........\..............\Transport Read.vi
..........\.....\.........\..............\Transport UDP Create Listener.vi
..........\.....\.........\..............\Transport UnPack.vi
..........\.....\.........\..............\Transport Write.vi
..........\.....\.........\Transport Data Properties.ctl
..........\.....\.........\Transport Refnum.ctl
..........\..\Tree_Add Publi