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本书是学生的良师。在翻译的过程中我曾无数次感叹:“要是当年我能拥有这本书那该多好!” 应该说本书是为在校学生量身打造的。没有数学基础?没关系,只要你在高中学过了数学归纳法,那 么书中95 以上的数学内容你都可以看得懂,更何况书中还辅以大量图例。没学过编程?没关系,第 1章会给大家介绍足够多的Java知识,即使你不是计算机专业的学生,也不会遇到困难。整本书的内 容编排循序渐进,由易到难,前后呼应,足见作者的良苦用心。没有比本书更专业的算法教科书了。

-This book is the student s mentor. In the process of translation I have many times lamented: ! Had I can have this book that would be great, said the book should be tailored to the students. No mathematical basis? It does not matter, as long as you had in high school mathematical induction, then the book more than 95 of the mathematical content you are able to understand, not to mention the book is also supplemented by a large number of legends. I never learned programming? Never mind, Chapter 1 will introduce sufficient knowledge of Java, even if you re not a computer professional students will not encounter difficulties. The whole book content arrangement gradual, easy to difficult, before and after the echo, which shows the author s good intentions. Nothing is more professional than the book s algorithm textbook


Algorithm (fourth edition).pdf


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