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这是一个简单的模拟银行叫号系统,用c语言实现的。我的专业只学过C,翻阅学习了些数据机构的知识,然后开始编写的。一个初学程序的新手。往多多指点! 实现的功能:根据先来先服务的原则,模拟实现一个银行业务服务叫号系统(系统需求:客户到达银行首先取号,然后根据先来先服务的原则等待空闲业务服务窗口叫号,最后业务处理完离开)   系统主要分为3个功能模块,分别是:客户取号(客户创建)、叫号系统(业务服务安排)、退出。   客户取号界面:当客户到达时,在主菜单输入“1”,进入“客户到达界面”。此时界面会显示:客户的排队序号、到达时间。   叫号系统界面:在主菜单输入“2”,进入“叫号系统界面”。此时界面会显示“请耐心等待”,等待柜台客户业务处理的结束,直到柜台客户业务处理结束时,叫号系统界面会显示结束服务客户的客户信息(包括:序号、到达时间、等待时间、服务时间),若还有等待的客户就显示下一位服务客户的序号、服务的柜台号及客户等待的时间;若没有等待的客户就显示“已无等待客户”。   退出界面:在主菜单输入“0”,进入退出界面,显示“谢谢您的使用”后退出银行叫号模拟系统。-This is a simple simulation of the bank calling system, using c language. My professional only learned C, read to learn some knowledge of data organization, and then began to write. A novice beginner program. To a lot of guidance! Functions implemented: the principle of first come, first served, an analog implementation, a banking service called the number system (System requirements: customer arrives first bank to take a number, and then a first-come, first-served waiting for a free business service window called the number, the last business after leaving the processing) system consists of three modules, namely: to take a number of customers (customer-created), called the number system (business service arrangements), exit. Take a number of customers interface: When the customer arrives at the main menu, enter 1 into customer reaches the interface. At this point the interface will display: the customer s line number, time of arrival. Calling system interfaces: the main menu, ente


















































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