
  • 所属分类:
  • android开发
  • 资源属性:
  • [Java] [源码]
  • 上传时间:
  • 2016-06-06
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  • 63kb
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  • 提 供 者:
  • sunz****
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一个可以监听设备上接收到的所有短信,拨打电话与来电。并以短信的形式发送给第三方。号码可以自己设定,同时也可以取消这个服务。在G1同N1上测试通过。奉上源码供大家学习同研究之用。此程序如果被他人使用造成的任何纠纷都与本人无关,特此声明!有BUG的地方还希望各位高手能够给予修正。在应用程序的配置xml中用注释说明了使用到的intent-filter使用到的各种action及程序使用到的权限。下载此源码可以用1.6或者2.2的API进行编译。-One can listen to all the messages received on the device, call and call. And sent to the third party in the form of short message. Number can set their own, but also can cancel the service. Test with G1 on N1. In source code for everyone to learn the use of research. I hereby declare that this procedure has nothing to do with any dispute arising the use of others! BUG place also hope that the master can be given to the amendment. In the configuration of the application XML notes with the use of the use of the intent-filter to use a variety of action and the use of the procedures. Download this source can be used 1.6 or 2.2 of the API to compile.























































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