Android例子源码简单换肤小例子源码是一款比较简单一点的换肤项目源码,夜间模式,换皮肤.完美解决一步搞定,不使用主题,因为主题换肤不完成,不调亮度,只接换颜色,换图片,activity1 进入activity2后在2中换掉,返回来1中也换掉,从下面的图中我们可以看到主题和背景都变化了,页面很简洁,代码中使用了Fragment和Broadcast,有需要的可以下载源码看看,虽然没写注释但是代码不多而且层次写的很清楚,便于观看查找。本项目源码采用GBK编码。-Android source code examples of simple skin small example source code is a simple comparison of skin project source code, night mode, for the skin. The perfect solution to a fix, does not use themes, because the theme of the skin is not completed, do not adjust the brightness, then only change colors, change the picture, activity1 into activity2 in 2 replaced and returned to 1 has also been replaced, the chart below we can see the subject and the background changes are, the page is very simple, the code uses the fragment and broadcast, need to download the source code to see, although I didn t write notes but not much code and writing level is very clear, easy to watch the search. The project source code using GBK coding.