the previous program reads an alog value through the P1 potentiometer EasyPIC5 card then converts this digital value to the posters and the result on ports A and C.
the result is a binary storyteller that can be recovered through the port c:-the previous program reads an analog value through the P1 potentiometer EasyPIC5 card then converts this digital value to the posters and the result on ports A and C.
the result is a binary storyteller that can be recovered through the port c:
the result is a binary storyteller that can be recovered through the port c:-the previous program reads an analog value through the P1 potentiometer EasyPIC5 card then converts this digital value to the posters and the result on ports A and C.
the result is a binary storyteller that can be recovered through the port c:
exo 03.c
exo 03.c.ini
exo 03.cfg
exo 03.cp
exo 03.dbg
exo 03.dct
exo 03.dlt
exo 03.hex
exo 03.log
exo 03.lst
exo 03.mcl
exo 03.mcppi
exo 03.mcppi_callertable.txt
exo 03.user.dic
exo 03.wch
exo 03.asm