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2 .首页标题截短修正

3 .中文搜索完美解决 v3.4 版本 (可以在改进的二元分割算法(效率高)和直接搜索 post 表(更准确)两种方式选择) - newvbb

4 .+8的时区改为“北京时间”

5 .英文官方模板修正,修复了很多中文词语换行显示错误

6. vBulletin v3.0 引用文字自动截短插件 v1.0 - newvbb

7. 贴图自动缩小 - newvbb

8. Ctrl+Enter发帖快捷键 - newvbb

9. 新主题话题类型下拉选择框插件

10. 信息图标移动到上面

11. 查看帖子中加入发新主题按钮

12. 点击主题列表前面的信息图标可以打开新窗口查看主题

13. 签名在帖子的底部而不是默认的帖子内容的底部

14. 如果会员没有设置头像显示默认头像-The 2 page title truncated correction

3 Chinese search for the perfect solution to the v3.4 Version (can be improved in the two yuan segmentation algorithm (high efficiency) and direct search post table (more accurate) two ways to choose- NewVBB

4.+8 time zone changed to Beijing time 

5 English official template correction, a lot of repair Chinese word wrap display error

6 vBulletin V3.0 reference text automatically truncated plug-in v1.0- NewVBB

7 maps automatically shrink- NewVBB

8 Ctrl+Enter posting shortcut- NewVBB

9 new topic topic type drop-down selection box

10 information icon to move to the top

11 view posts to add a new theme button

12 click on the information icon in front of the topic list to open a new window to view the topic.

13 signature at the bottom of the post rather than the bottom of the default post

14 if members do not set the default avatar display






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